If so I played these free mods, pretty fun for some jump in and play to pass an hour here and there. First one is Zombie Panic! Basically, two teams, one zombie and one survivor. Zombies win if they kill all the survivors(converting them in the process), and survivors win if the zombie respawn amount gets down to zero. (Lose one per death). Really fun, and some good maps, survivors really gotta work together to win. Can be found at: http://www.zombiepanic.org/site/index.php Second one is Zombie Master(This one was finished development in 09. This mod plays a quite a bit differently, at the start of a round, one random player is placed as the zombie master, he clicks certain spots to set up boobie traps and spawn zombies of his/her choosing. This player has to kill all the surviving players before they complete their objectives. The surviving players must complete a list of objectives(such as getting the tires for the truck and filling it with gas) to escape the zombies. Can be found at: http://www.zombiemaster.org/ Both a pretty fun and well worth a shot since they are free if you already own HL2. Enjoy!