Heartrot --- Warlock

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Heartrot, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. Heartrot

    Character Name, Class, and Main Spec:
    Heartrot, Warlock, Destruction

    Applying for position as raider (as probate) or a member/friend:

    Armory Link:

    1. Talent spec(s): discuss theorycrafting choices or dual talent spec experience as well as stats for other specs

    Currently my dualspec is just for fun in BG's, no real possible changes with the warlock talents, however I am aware of the Demonic Pact raid buff build. It isnt very useful/effective unless it is a extremely magic heavy or shamanless group.

    2. List Professions you have and how they help your raid performance

    I have Jewelcrafting and Mining. They help raid performance by fulfilling meta requirements and the static ~45sp bonus that all of the crafting professions give.

    3. How long have you played WoW and what are your PvE accomplishments (include other toons if needed)?

    I started playing WoW about 5 months after BC came out. Only got up to ZA in BC, but in WotLK I have cleared all non-ulduar raids and am experienced in all 25 man ulduar fights (Excluding Algalon) and have cleared all 10 man ulduar fights (Again, excluding Algalon.

    4. How much do you PvP and how will it impact raiding?

    I don't PvP much at all. Sometimes I BG for fun, but other then that it will never really come up

    5. How old are you? Maturity and dedication are of utmost importance. 18 is required with limited exceptions.

    I am 18 years and about 6 months old.

    6. Where do you live (state/country) and what is the living arrangement (wife, children, dorm, etc)?

    Ontario Canada, Dorm, 1 roommate (Phillip)

    7. Current occupation (outside of WoW) and does it create any scheduling issues with raiding?

    Student. Raid times are late so it shouldn' create any issues.

    8. What guild and/or server are you coming from and why? What do you expect Xen of Onslaught to provide better? (Make sure to include your old guild or we could confuse it with you joining someone else).

    Coming from Ante Mortem. We pretty much disbanded, so I guess I expect Xen to not disband? Bllade was the leader if you want to talk to him about it.

    9. How did you hear about Xen? List any personal references within the guild and expect them to asked about your raiding ability or confirmation of for friend rank.

    I have a cousin that used to be in Xen, plus you are one of the best raiding guilds on server.

    10. <What and how many consumables do you plan to have in preparation for each raid? What do you do when there is no fish feast?

    for 4 hour raids-> 4 flask of the frostwyrm, 20 tender shoveltusk and usually 5-10 fish feasts.

    11. Our raid schedule can include Monday-Thursday from 7:00-11:00 PM CST (Sargeras Server time) with the occasional Sunday raid for progression (and sometimes skipping Tuesdays for farmed content or patch days). What would be your most likely scheduling conflict if any?

    No issues forseeable.

    12. Submit a damage meter of some kind (or healing meter). If one is not available, explain why. (Tanks do dps too so don't use that as an excuse)

    No meter available. The person that did WWS in our guild is the one that decided to break the guild up. I tend to average 3k+ on ulduar bosses with shaman + raid buffs.

    13. Provide a picture of your UI, preferably in Raid combat(at least in a 10-man) and a list addons that you use, so we know you can see those big colored rings of death appearing below your feet.

    Nothing special about my UI. Only addons i use are DBM and Omen.

    14. You are done unless you have any final comments to help out your application.Upon completing this application you will be assumed to understand and agree with the raiding policy as posted.

    All I can ask for is that you give me a fair look. Have a good one. ^_^
  2. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    gear looks very comparable to some of our current locks. since i've not played a lock above level 59 (twink) i need the experts to make sure i didn't miss anything though.
  3. Ologhai

    Jun 23, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Agreed, at this point it's up to Yizelin or Luminatus to eval. Thumbs up from me his spec looks fine but looks like he could use some more hit gear to gem spellpower instead.
  4. Heartrot

    I'm only in my 25 man with shadow priest gear right now, I always have dying curse in my bag somewhere, which brings me up to 17.01% hit for when i dont have a boom-turkey or shadow priest with me. It just depends on who I'm raiding with, which is usually a shadow priest with me (Vi).

    Btw, i guess Wowarmory is down right now (12:24 server time) and since I'm done my dailies I'll be on my alt if you need me for anything like gear check etc. Corax = Alt
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2009
  5. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    well, i think the explaination alone was solid enough. i had a hard drive failure when i got home from work on wednesday morning so i got a little behind on finishing up application processing.

    i believe Ologhai's been doing some app review as well, so search for him for an invite (or I should be on tomorrow depending on updates installing on backup hard drive).
  6. Heartrot

    Cool, Sounds good thx ^_^