Headset $10shipped until the 31st. -SOLDOUT- Rosewill RHM-556 3.5mm Circumaural Headset NewEgg use code EMCMLNX43 to bring it down to 9.99....free shipping!!!
I just noticed it has a retractable mic...interesting. eh, hard to go wrong with $10 headsets (especially for a backup) , even if it only lasts 6mos., that less than $2 a month and that like 3 years in Dash-years. But then maybe Dash is only one that needs a headset backup Think I found Dash's fix though....its the length of the cord. The last pair I gave him had a really short cord and he is still using them some 6months later so contrary to some beliefs...it is the size of the cord that matters.
I see. So a shorter cord makes it more difficult for children, dogs, car windows, tornadoes, and gremlins to ruin dash's headset.
I like my cord to be used a jump rope during the down time. I think dash used his cord to tie the dog to the desk.
Not active atm...but if things are the same as they were, "I don't have a mic/mic is broken" were rollin' as 2 of the top 3 excuses on Vent last time I was on... Just sayin'... Maybe y'all just have goofy voices...and in Kyoji's case it's confirmed.