I guess the market for cell phone movies is large. I always though staring at tineetiny straino vision screens was stupid. But I guess people buy it.
I don't have to get it if I don't want it! YOu can't make me! IDUNWANNA! To tell you the truth though I don't think my phone can support it. Old AT&T Sumsung Solstice
I had a really really old flip phone for years because I didn't think I'd ever need a smartphone, we just swapped services and I got a smartphone and I love it. 3D? I'm not sure, I'm hoping its still just a trendy idea and won't really hit the marketplace - although it seems to have already.
I still have an old flip phone, I'm the only person I know who doesn't give two shits about a smart phone, I'll get one when it happens to fall in my lap.. until then my friends can just keep laughing at me.
Well DS is now 3D....its the new thing. But frm what was said It was only Videos not everything. Oh I have the Droid X soon getting the the new Droid Bio
I don't have a problem with 3d it's just those fucking glasses you have to wear at the theatre and at home. Whomever designed them should be shot in the head. I mean Oakley is king shit when it comes to comfortable eyewear. They should have designed them.