Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Hariel, Mage, Fireball/TTW Applying for position: Raider Armory Link: 1. Talent Spec (List any dual specs or explain situational talent picks): Right now I am fireball, my other trinkets aren't as good for arcane yet (i have too much hit). My other spec is pvp frost. 2. Professions and how they help your raid performance: Engineering/Mining. Engineering has the second best cloak enchant for a spell caster, and the best glove enchant for a caster. Mining gives me stam? Honestly, I rolled these for pvp. 3. How long have you played WoW and what is your PvE progression? I started playing since right before BWL came out. Cleared everything in Vanilla (on a pally), up through SSC in BC, and have cleared through Mim in Uld 25, and a few hardmodes in 10man. 4. PvP influences and impact on raiding: I'm not sure what this is asking, but I'll try. I have PvP'd a lot, especially in BC. Every in combat spell is binded, short of a select few. I think pvp helps you a ton in raiding because you tend to be 'immune' to tunnel-visioning, and you end up being a lot quicker to get yourself out of bad positions since PvPers don't usually keyboard turn. 5. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions): 24 6. Location and living arrangement (wife, children, dorm, etc): Michigan, Condo with a roomate 7. Occupation outside of WoW and any scheduling issues it creates: Tennis pro, I work till about 6pm server most weekdays, weekends are random. 8. Your old/current guild and why you are leaving them (Include old guild's name or we could think you've joined them and dismiss your app): Exile, they stopped raiding due to too many people quitting the game. 9. How did you hear about Xen; list any references within the guild: Flosser. 10. List consumables you carry to raid to include food when a fish feast isn't provided: Flask, and haste pots. 11. What conflicts do you have with our raid schedule listed above? Generally, none. But every now and then I have to work late. 12. Submit a damage/healing meter such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s),WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing. (If one is not available, explain why): I don't have one, our guild never kept one. But I've hit over 14k on Hodir 10man, and around 6.5k on patchwerk. 13. Provide a UI screenshot inside a raid (If one is not available, explain why): 14. Final comments you feel could help your application: I really haven't played much in the last few months, so my gear is a little behind. __________________
question: is haste better than wild magic and why? would be nice to see you in pve gear on armory as well...
EJs was saying the haste is better for my DPS, and when I plugged it into RAWR, it ended up higher than Wild Magic, even though it was marginal. It seems like somewhere around 500 haste is when I'm supposed to switch to Wild Magic. All theorycrafting aside, I was getting them for free, which was my primary reason for using them on new content. I did, but it didn't update armory for some reason. I'll try to log on this evening and log off again in my PvE gear.
for a raid spot, i will have to consult with raid leaders as this wasn't a high demand class for us at this time, but we do have a friend rank. and to be a serious consideration, id recommend having epic gems in every piece of gear
On the epic gems, I have 4 in my bag that I am getting cut. It's definitely my first priority on my mage.
well, im not sure if we have the room to take you on (as the class demand of low indicated when you applied), but we do have some flux in attendance and policy changes that could open a spot in the near future.
with 4 mages and cloth heavy as is, i believe we don't have room and probably won't for some time. all these Aion topics kind of hid you, but best of luck if you're still in the guild hunt.