I have some friends on facebook that send me crap all the time. Usually Youtube scam videos... Technically I could tell them now since it's tomorrow somewhere in the world.
Silly weather man! Its not a fire and brimstone end . . . it's a polarity shift in the earths magnetic field coupled with a massive solar storm sending floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and super storms our way to wipe out 'Murica in one fell swoop. The only thing I don't get is that all us hill billy hicks from the sticks are supposed to survive. The "safe zone" is between the Ozarks and the Smokeys . . . I guess the south really will rise again. Hey, Kyoji, fix that damn weather forecast to show a big ass Rebel flag on Friday and if you need to show fire, put a burning cross on there as well. God, I hope Xoobies can take a joke . . .
For the people who die, today will be the end of the world from their perspective... technically true.
Well it's 11:22 am on the 22nd and it rains like shit, nothing changed i guess. I wonder now wtf all the doomsayers will invent for next end of the world. 2000's over, 2012's over, hope that they are in the bottom of a hole now and keep quiet.