Hello Everyone, As some of you may have heard in the last community meeting, we now have an upcoming new division for H1Z1. H1Z1 is a zombie apocalypse, survival game that is going to open early access on January 15th, 2015. Imagine that H1Z1 is a combination of DayZ and Rust but with a more survival focus with a good balance of PvP. We are Happy to finally announce that a H1Z1 Division is now open for recruitment. Everyone is welcome to apply and we will begin reviewing and accepting members immediately. We are using the time up until launch to build up our numbers and develop the XoO Empire into H1Z1. Current Plans are to quickly learn the game mechanics and then begin exploring the bases and how the survival aspect of this game will function. We intend on being the controlling force on the server that we end up on. Currently a very limited amount of information is available so these plans will likely change on the day of Early Access. Please remember to Join the H1Z1 Game Group on the forums as well as apply to the division! To apply to join the H1Z1 Division, click the following link: http://www.xoohq.com/forms/h1z1-application.15/respond Public Forum Section: http://www.xoohq.com/forums/h1z1-public-chat.456/ For More information about H1Z1 please look at the below links: What is H1Z1? H1Z1 Reddit Wiki
I will get to all the applications this week, have a busy week of work. I am also looking for 1 more organizer if anyone is interested!
Please bump these recruitment posts: http://www.pcgaming-forum.com/showthread.php?115506-(XoO)-Xen-of-Onslaught-NA-EU-Oceanic https://www.enjin.com/forums/m/10826/viewthread/17868546-xoo-xen-onslaught-naeuoceanic/page/1 http://www.reddit.com/r/H1Z1clans/comments/2pv2ru/xen_of_onslaught_wwwxoohqcom_recruitment