Grimdreg, Warrior, Protection

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Grimdreg, Feb 4, 2010.

  1. Grimdreg

    1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Grimdreg, Warrior, Protection

    2. Armory Link: (and talent choices explained):

    My first talent set is for raid boss tanking and is a relatively cookie cutter build.
    My second talent set is for trash/non-raid tanking and focuses on better AOE threat and has group spell reflect.

    3. List raid helpful professions:

    Blacksmithing (450) : Can socket equipment for more gems
    Fishing & Cooking (450) : Can catch and prepare fish for raid-wide food.

    4. Time playing WoW and PvE progression:

    Total played : 155 days
    WoW : Cleared all raids/instances except half of original Naxx.
    BC : Cleared all raids/instances except Sunwell.
    WotLK: Have gone up to Festergut in 10 man ICC, Lord Marrowgar in 25 man ICC.

    5. Describe your method for theorycrafting your class:

    I use the warrior spreadsheet available HERE:

    I try to focus on as much EH as possible.
    I also read Tankspot and MMO Champion for advice and changes.
    Although this is not theorycrafting per-say, I find Cinderhelm's videos to be extremely helpful before fighting a boss that has not been done before.

    6. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions): 30.

    7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding(family, classes, dorm, night shifts etc):

    I am recently gainfully unemployed. I do not live with family, and my only class is at Friday 7:30PM-9:00PM (PST).

    8. Guild you are leaving and why: (If you join another guild without following up here, application will be closed):

    I am leaving Fenrir simply because they do not have a raid spot for me. I intend to keep in touch with them and do the odd instance as I have RL friends in that guild.

    9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild:

    I heard about an opening for a prot warrior from Limegreen spamming in trade.
    I do not believe I have any people I know in XoO, but if I do it would be from before BC. I used to be an undead warrior named Faustmeth.

    10. List consumables you bring to raid: Runic Healing Pot, Flask of Stoneblood, Indestructible Pot, Rhinolicious Wormsteak, Fish Feast.

    11. Any Scheduling conflicts (consider possible weekend groups for 10mans):

    Probably just the Friday 10 man.

    12. Provide measure of your damage/healing such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s), WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing:

    I almost never DPS so I don't have any SS of this, unfortunately. I use omen to gauge my TPS and it is generally around 70,000 - 90,000. If I get a string of crits it can go over 100K.

    13. Provide a UI screenshot:


    Sorry I have not taken one in raid recently, as I reinstalled WoW a couple of days ago.

    The jist of it is that I use DBM, Omen, Recount, Bartender, TP and Bagnon. All my tanking buttons are keyed and macroed.

    14. Final comments you feel could help your application:

    Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Although at one point I was a MT for this guild and my previous guild (Imperium), I am not "at the frontline" right now and would be more than willing to take constructive criticism and advise from my peers. In the event that I am selected as a probationary raider, I will give my 100% in order to help XoO attain the goals that it has set out to accomplish.
  2. Lime

    May 4, 2009
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    You are Currently missing:
    2 gems
    Chest Enchant

    We expect all apps to be at their full potential during the app process so we can get a proper look out you.

    I like the fact that you seem to do a lot of solid research on your class. You gear is a little subpar but it shouldn't take long to get you caught up.

    Neptuno will probably review your spec and gear and make further comments.
  3. Grimdreg

    Dear Limegreen,

    Thank you very much for the quick response. I hate to make excuses, but this is because I got both new pieces of gear within the last couple of days and haven't had a chance to enchant them yet. The armor I bring to raids is Tier 9.5 and they are fully enchanted and gemmed, and I expect these two new pieces to be fully enchanted and gemmed today. Normally, I would have new pieces of loot gemmed and enchanted the same day, but I was saving up some gold to make Boots of Kingly Upheaval, which I will also have made today.

    As for the strength gem in the shoulder piece (which may appear strange to other tanks), this was because this was part of a threat set before I got the new chest and legs and will switch this gem out too.
  4. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
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    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    i would like to see your choices for each piece on what you intend to gem or enchant them if you can't at this time as i have questions about your enchants as well.
  5. Grimdreg

    Dear Neptuno/Arizair,

    Sure no problem. I have formatted my intended changes in a (Current) => (Intending to change to) pattern. The changes I intend to make in order to complete my EH set are as follows.

    Head: Guardian Dreadstone (+10 Exp, +15 Stam) => Regal Dreadstone (+10 Dodge, +15 Stam)
    Shoulder: Bold Cardinal Ruby (+20 Strength) => Regal Dreadstone (+10 Dodge, +15 Stam)
    Changing enchant to PVP STAM enchant.
    Back Enchant: Titanium Spellweave (+16 Def) => Mighty Armor (+225 Armor) *
    Main Hand Enchant: Blade Ward => Mongoose
    Shield Enchant: +20 Defense => Major Stam or Titanium Plating
    Hands: Rigid King’s Amber (+20 Hit) => Majestic Zircon (+30 Stam)
    Belt: Accurate Ametrine (+10 hit, +10 Exp) => Majestic Zircon (+30 Stam)
    Legs: Vivid Eye of Zul (+10 Hit, +15 Stam) => Majestic Zircon (+30 Stam) x 2
    Feet: Adding Majestic Zircon (+30 Stam)

    * Intend on purchasing FB reward soon

    I had originally wanted to run random heroics to purchase all my gems, but I am contemplating buying gold to finish this quicker. Once I complete this I will take my left over tier 9.5 parts to make an avoidance set. As I get better gear I intend to change out a lot of the red/yellow gem slots with Majestic Zircons. In any event, I should have everything re-gemmed and enchanted before the server reset on Tuesday. Please feel free to ask me any further questions or make comments.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2010
  6. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
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    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    Wondering about your pick of dodge over expertise when you are at 14 expertise and grabbing cloak when using a brewfest trinket yet still value armor enough to enchant for it (The Black Heart being better even due to it's proc). Most of the choices you are looking to make are not bad, but I would like to see where you plan to make up some of these stat loses other places.

    I'm also curious about your second spec viability - Extra tanks are just wasted spots in some fights and having one not as geared but having to be one of the tanks is always an issue.
  7. Grimdreg

    Dear Neptuno/Arizair,

    In encounters where I need to max out expertise, I use a Falric's Wristchopper (utilizes Orc's racial bonus) and a 245 level set of boots that I have maxed out for expertise (puts me at 27 expertise with the Rhinolicious Wormsteak). I find this to be some what situational, as even the most geared tanks in the world have a base set that is between 6-10 expertise, I haven't had a problem keeping threat over DPS and the deadliness of parry haste on bosses is somewhat selective (based on the average swing attack of the boss and whether or not they have parry haste enabled).

    As for the Black Heart...I have run Trial of the Champion countless times (even on chain attempts) and have yet to see it drop intent is to keep running it and see if it drops before I can afford the FB trinket. I understand that the value of the Key is up for debate, but I have heard good things about it since the buff it received last patch. Situationally I use the Onyxia trinket as well.

    As for a DPS set...I believe my fury set is at about 4.0 K gearscore. I have recently gotten some "okay" parts for the set (i.e. Ramaladni's Blade of Cunning and a couple of ToC 25 man pieces), but the most DPS I have seen myself putout is about 4K DPS thus far...
  8. Lime

    May 4, 2009
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    App will be placed into waiting until further notice.
  9. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
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    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    We will be looking at our other warrior (already a Friend within guild) as a trial. If things do not work out well with him and you are still in the market, we will then have an available trial spot for you. While there aren't very many single tank fights, we do find it in the best interest of guild and raider alike to have tanks (and often healers) with a viable 2nd setup for fights that require it.
    If you are having problems being in raids, we do organize a 2nd ICC25 often on Mondays that is advertised in trade that we are looking to expand further and TOC has many ways to help get you going with a dps spec should you look into diversifying your character's raid potential.
  10. Grimdreg

    Dear Neptuno/Arizair and Limegreen,

    Thank you very much for your time. Please feel free to contact me in game as well if you do need me.
  11. Lime

    May 4, 2009
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    This would be a great way to get yourself noticed as well.