google OC and its war on the PC (edit) on a side note this website is new.."the daily beast"... today is the first issue
interesting concept by google. Anyone going to create an OS dedicated to gaming? The new google OS should sort the web side out. Dunno about the rest until more facts emerge.
Can google take down microsoft? Google...Just show me where to sign. a single company controlling the desktop, the application and the data will be HUGE...powerful...they wont know everything..but everything we know will go by them. start conspiracy theory (HERE)... Spoiler >>>>made you L QQ K<<<<<
do we want google to take microsoft down is a better question? For now, we have both known quantities. This could get ugly.
I never pictured the name of the all powerful future corporation ruling the world would be named Google...
Wow, people are getting so hyped over another OS built on a linux kernel... Keep in mind that the initial target is netbooks and the like, so it is likely to be a pretty barebones OS for awhile.
yeah its gonna take a while to become mainstream, but, still its the first company from a linux standpoint that has a decent chance to make it happen.
Isn't it bad for one company to control anything all by itself? I thought that was why there is a monopoly law? I dunno.. just something I thought of when reading "a single company controlling the desktop, the application and the data will be HUGE...powerful" I might not be looking at the big picture.
The Linux kernel can do pretty much anything you want it to. Most people except Microsoft are using it these days, from what it sounds like. Including OS X - I believe it runs a Unix-based kernel under the hood as well. Will this take off? Well, it could - on stuff like netbooks. As was already observed, you aren't going to be gaming on it. Could there be a special-purpose OS just for gaming? Well, in a way there already have been several - the last two generations of consoles or so have had them. For the PC, that's a different story - with DirectX as entrenched as it is I'd guess MS would have to make it. I don't really see that happening, but if the OS market gets fragmented enough, never say never I guess. P.S. I should note, though, that the PC's raison d'etre is a general-purpose machine. If we were going all-out for gaming, you'd be looking at something much more similar to a console - just with different peripherals and the like.
i think it should be cleared up in your first statement about unix vs. linux... yes most non-windows OS's are unix based to include OSX, and while "liniux is unix" to many, it's also not in some views.
Well.. that's nice I guess XD Even though I haven't used MS Office in a while now.. I normally use Open Office. =/
Personally i don't see this as a move onto MS 'turf' at all. In mobile phones, Android and PalmOS are direct competitors to Windows Mobile and Symbian. But in netbooks, MS doesn't even have a netbook specific OS for Google or anyone to go against. It just so happens that it's regular OS can be run on one. I doubt MS would even bother with their own cut down OS. Why would they? XP works on them, netbooks are getting more powerful and people still want to use a Windows OS over any Linux release because it's more familliar and accessible. If anything Google are stepping on the Linux crowd more than MS.