So a good handful of us have been playing Global Agenda, We are currently working on building up xen in GA, In the hopes that we can grow to become a strong force and a well known name in the conquest community. We are currently recruiting members in and out of the xen community. And working on hopefully becoming supported. Any of you out there who currently have the game should really consider joining us and helping the cause. To people who dont have the game or who have played in alpha. The game has changed alot since alpha, and theres alot more coming our way. the game is well balanced and the teamplay is addictive and fun, Its a game you can jump into and not worry about what level you are or how long it is to grind out the next level. Its like a mix of Teamfort2 and Tribes, Add in conquest and it gives it a planetside or eve like theme of taking territorys and using them to gain resorces. Also. Yes there is a 12 doller month fee. But most people dont relize that this is souly for the conquest mode. We dont Only do conquest we also play the free side of the game and it is quite enjoyable and has kept us coming back for more. It has proven its worth to all of us and currently all of us who have bought the game have not grown tired of it. and dont forsee it happening anytime soon. So any of you who have the game or plan on buying the game let us know and help us bring the onslaught!
I own it, got the deal from alpha for short money for the game. I'll hit yah up when I get round to installing it. lol. delshin
Alot of the review sites said that Global Agenda was like playing an FPS game with a subscription fee Better to just play an FPS game then Good Luck to you guys though
I've been playing for the past couple days and it's much more then the average FPS since there is character development, crafting, character customization, etc. It's more advanced in character development than PlanetSide or the new Battlefield Bad Company 2 is, but far less than something like WoW or WAR. I'm having fun so far besides dealing with new MMO issues with occasional lag and things not working like they should. I can see already there needs to be much more thought put into a few aspects and more things to do/explore/conquer but I'm having a good time with it. My in-game name is ProfChaos, so if we get anything going on a guild level please let me know so I can join up with the XoO crew.