About 10 of us have a global agenda group going and it would be great if we could have more people join up. It is a pretty fun game with lots of replay-ablity. Its kind of planetside-esque so I figure we could have some fun with the conquest mode and take some hexes. www.globalagendagame.com if you are interested just drop in the global agenda channel in vent, we have an agency started but only about 15 members so far including reignier, terrornova, gilgamesh, draco, emergency, xenzoku..should be fun
It's fun. Even reignier can run it on his crappy laptop lmao. Need more people to make a decent stand in conquest(AvA).
Its true, 90% of people in xoo should have better comps than me and i can run in alright. If you used to play planetside you should check it out. Good times.
Are you guys looking to play it in conquest mode or just the no monthly fee content? Because honestly the only thing I could see that I would want to do in that game is the conquest mode. Otherwise it feels like playing Gunz with better graphics. Also, with Brink and BF:BC2 on the way I don't think I can see my way into buying it.
I thought the game wasn't going to be out until next month somewhere. Are you guys in the beta perhaps or is this talk of you guys having an agency just limited to the Vent channel?
Release is Feb 1st. We are in the last week of beta at the moment. We are planning on recruiting players but we wanted to give XoO members an open door invitation seeing as many of us are former planet side players.
I wonder if it has gotten any better since Closed Beta testing from like last year or something... Don't know if I will buy it though, but it was fun minus all the bugs that were in it a year ago
Same here. Although not with XoO. But if this isn't too much unlike planetside (minus, y'know, the whole-world-combat), I'll definitely give it a go. Count me in for now. *edit* on a side note. Where are you guys from and is it easy for a European to connect to American servers?
You can choose ingame if you want to play with european or american players. I didn't play closed beta but alot of people have said it is much better.
xenzoku is in england and he plays with us and yeah we definitely want to play conquest mode, we have been trying it out already but we need more people for 10v10s so we dont have to pick up pubs
Hmm. I'll have to look at the credit card issue that I have. Conquest might not be playable for me just yet.
And then my train of thought came to the "screw it" station and I got myself a pre-order of the game. I should be in the beta by the end of the day at the latest.
Beta ends either today or tommorow. Live is feb 1st but before that you can sign on during a short period and reserve your name and play up to level 10.
Don't know when they plan to bring the servers down but right now all characters are level 50, and were given 1,000,000 credits. Pretty cool to see how crazy Assault can tank when they actually have all the skill points to burn.
By the way, do we have already have an agency ingame? Also, I'd like to know how many people got the game and how likely it is that we are getting into the conquest mode.
I think we got like 15 or so ingame so far. We had somewhere around 15-20 in beta. Agency name is Onslaught. Ask in vent for invites from Reignier, Xenzoku, Me, Akuma.