Is there an XoO guild in this game? If so, I'd like to join. After deciding that paying $15 for WoW when I hardly have time to play it would be bad for finances, I thought I'd give this game a try. 5mil+ users can't be wrong, can it? Apparently not. I'm having a blast in this game, and other MMOs could take notes from the accessibility, user experience and production values this game has to offer. If anyone's playing and would like to friend up, look for Aedon Viperforce.
Hi, Isurus If you mean, , it doesn't look like a game I would consider playing.
Isn't this like Fusion Fall? I think they're aimed at ages 12 and under. I mean, there's a big link that says "Parents" right at the top.
Yea they said their target demographic is 10-14 somewhere, but it doesn't mean adults can't have fun too. There seems to be a lot of adults playing from what I read on the forums. There's a thread that's 27 pages long of people 30 and over. I'm 31.
I'm 30 and I played it =P I played Fusion Fall too I can't remember what my last name was, but first name is Nosmo I'll have to check it in a bit. I haven't been playing at all due to my comp being borked
LOL... it says "Parents" at the top. I dunno why I find that funny. Game looks okay, but not sure if I'd play it. I'm more into competitive P2P MMORPGs.
heh nah I think it was something like cloudspire In beta they didnt allow me to use Nosmo King for some reason.. so i just went with a generated last name
I did beta for this, realized it was aimed at a younger demographic. If I was a bit older and had kids (older being, I don't want kids right now :] ) Then I definitely would play it with them if we all had time. Good luck with it though!