nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnI'm actually ganking from this --> post[/on] to start a compilation of free games online which XoO people might choose to play inbetween games they are waiting for. It will take me a bit to update the links. Please post any suggestions of games or better way to structure this. Action / Adventure / Battle / Platform Abuse: website ACE Online [1]: website Armagetron Advanced: website Audition [1][5]: ws (eu) - ws (ph) - ws (sg) - ws (uk) - ws (us) Beneath a Steel Sky [1]: http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/beneath_a_steel_sky BZFlag: website Canabalt [2]: website Dance Online [1]: website Death Rally: website Disciple [1][2]: website Facewound: website Frets on Fire: website Grand Theft Auto [1]: website Grand Theft Auto 2 [1]: website GunBound [1]: website Head Over Heels: website Little Fighter [4]: website - download Little Fighter 2: website - http://www.brothersoft.com/download-little-fighter-2-65984.html Lure of the Temptress [1]: website MDDClone: website Narbacular Drop: website Pirate Galaxy [1][2]: ws (de) - ws (fr) - ws (uk) Rumble Fighter [1]: ws (eu) - ws (us) Samorost 1 [2]: website Scarygirl [2]: website Secret Maryo Chronicles: website Soldat: website Spelunky: website - download StepMania: website Teenagent [1]: website The Goonies: website Toribash: website Urban Dead [1][2]: website Wild Metal [1]: website Casual / Family / Puzzle La Brute [2]: ws (es) - ws (fr) - ws (us) Peggle World of Warcraft Edition: website Supaplex [4]: website In-game web browser publishers Armor Games [2]: website Blurst [2]: website Box10.com [2]: website InstantAction [2]: website Kongregate [2]: website Miniclip Games [2]: website New Grounds [2]: website Orisinal [2]: website Rock Solid Arcade [2]: website MMORPG / Roleplaying 4story [1]: website 9Dragons [1]: website Anarchy Online [1][6]: website Archlord [1]: website Atlantica Online [1]: website Cabal Online [1][5]: ws (global) - ws (br) - ws (eu) - ws (us) Dungeons & Dragons Online [1]: website Ether Saga [1]: website Eudemons [1][5]: ws (br) - ws (us) Flyff [1][5]: ws (br) - ws (us) Free Realms [1][6]: website Furcadia [1]: website Jade Dynasty [1]: website MapleStory [1][5]: ws (global) - ws (br) - ws (eu) - ws (us) Metin 2 [1][5]: ws (br) - ws (ca) - ws (pt) - ws (us) Mu Online [1][5]: ws (global) - ws (ch) - ws (jp) - ws (kr) - ws (ph) - ws (tw) - ws (us) - ws (vn) Pardus [1][2]: website Perfect World [1]: website Puzzle Pirates [1]: website Savage 2 - A Tortured Soul [1][6]: website Second Life [1]: website Shaiya [1]: website Silkroad Online [1]: website RuneScape [1][2]: website The Elder Scrolls: Arena [4]: website - installation guide The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall [4]: website - installation guide Tibia [1]: website Twelve Sky [1]: website Twelve Sky 2 [1]: website Wonderland Online [1]: website (th) - website (us) Racing / Simulators / Sports Fantasy Tennis [1][5]: ws (eu) - ws (jp) FlyGear: website GeneRally: website Out of the Park Baseball 8: website PangYa [1][5]: ws (jp) - ws (kr) - ws (th) - ws (tw) - ws (us) Project Torque [1]: website Racer - The Real Deal: website The Hunter [1][6]: website TrackMania Nations Forever: website Upshift StrikeRacer [1]: website Shooters Alien Arena: website - download America's Army 3: website - download Area-51 [3]: website - download - mirror AssaultCube: website Battlefield Heroes [1]: website Combat Arms [1][5]: ws (eu) - ws (us) Cross Fire [1]: website Cube: website - download Cube 2: Sauerbraten: website Exteel [1]: website F.E.A.R. Combat [1]:website Flight Commander: website Full Spectrum Warrior [3]: download Gang Garrison 2: website GunZ The Duel [1][5]: ws (br) - ws (us) Landmass [1][5]: ws (br) - ws (ch) Nexuiz: website Quake Live [1][2]: website Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory: download - mirror S4 League [1][5]: ws (eu) - ws (kr) Soldier Front [1]: website Starsiege: Tribes: download - mirror Starsiege: Tribes 2: download - multiplayer patch The Babylon Project: website Tremulous: website Urban Terror: website Voxelstein 3D: website War Rock [1][5]: ws (kr) - ws (us) Warmonger: website Warsow: website Wing Commander Saga Prologue: website - download Wing Commander: Secret Ops [8]: website Wolf Team [1]: website Strategy / Environment simulators Battle for Wesnoth: website Bos Wars: website Command & Conquer - Gold: website - download Command & Conquer - Red Alert: download disc 1 - download disc 2 Freeciv [4]: website FreeOrion: website Glest: website Ground Control [1]: download - game key Navy Field [1]: website Oolite: website OpenCity: website PiArmada (Vega Strike [7]): website Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War [3]: download - mirror Savage - The Battle For Newerth: website Scorched 3D: website S.W.I.N.E.: download - mirror UFO: Alien Invasion: website Vega Strike: website Warzone 2100: website Wing Commander Privateer: Gemini Gold (Vega Strike [7]): website KEY: [1] Account creation or registration required [2] In-game web browser [3] Ad supported version [4] Can require Cygwin or DOSBox to run properly [5] Localized distribution, some publishers can apply restriction [6] In-game limitations contested [7] Conversion built from another free game [8] Abandonware, can not run on recent operational systems The following free games are "Steam" games. All install links will only work if you already have Steam installed on your PC. For ATI/AMD (Radeon) graphic card users: install - storefront - Half-Life 2: Deathmatch [6] - Half-Life 2: Lost Coast For Nvidia (GeForce) graphic card users: install - storefront - Half-Life 2: Deathmatch [6] - Half-Life 2: Lost Coast - Portal: First Slice (demo install - storefront) For all Steam users: America's Army 3: install - storefront BattleForge [1][4][7][8]: install - storefront Between [1][4]: install - storefront Codename Gordon: install COIL [1]: install - storefront Mightier [1]: install - storefront Peggle Extreme: install - storefront Sam & Max: Episode 4: install - storefront Spacewar: install TrackMania Nations Forever [2]: install - storefront Free addons and resources for already purchased games: Counter-Strike (Counter-Strike Steamworks Beta access) [3]: install Half-Life (high definition models): install - uninstall - comparison - screenshot RACE 07 (Crowne Plaza Raceway track) [5]: install - storefront Steam delivered MODs: Age of Chivalry (requires Source SDK): install - storefront D.I.P.R.I.P. Warm Up (requires Source SDK): install - storefront Darkest Hour (requires Red Orchestra): install - storefront Dystopia (requires Source SDK): install - storefront Eternal Silence (requires Source SDK): install - storefront INSURGENCY (requires Source SDK): install - storefront Mare Nostrum (requires Red Orchestra): install - storefront Smashball (requires Source SDK): install - storefront Synergy (requires Half-Life 2): install - storefront Zombie Panic! Source (requires Source SDK): install - storefront KEY: [1] Mistakenly listed as a demo on storefront [2] Already included on TrackMania United [3] Deployed and deprected, but continues working [4] Mistakenly named as a demo on "My games" list [5] Will install addon on your title and a demo to run feature standalone [6] Does not include Source SDK tool (required to run some MODs) [7] Offered by Play4Free license / micropayment [8] Storefront not available in Japan and the United Kingdom
ok, I'll add those thanks. http://play-free-online-games.com/ going to be updating from this list as well.
Noooo, not a list of free flash browser games. That would be way too over the top. I stopped creating links because I realized for it to be a comprehensive list, I need to be more specific. it can be a list of websites with game lists..or it can be multiplayer games. or even just recommended games. Haven't decided yet.