Well I feel I must say it since we are a Team, I do not know why but I appear on the donators list with 2 donations, one for 20 bucks and the second with 10 bucks, the problem here is... I did not made them, but any way they are registered as if I did, and i have the credits, but I do not even have my paypal account validated, so I can´t make donations, I think you should check the script on the site or something, hope this help to avoid "phantom" donations, I'm here for any clarification See you in TERA!!!!
donations are not approved until paypal clears them or they are manually approved. The reason you have credits is because I saw the two donation lists that were still listed and assumed no one would be such a douche to pretend to donate. Guess I will have to triple check all donations now.
there we have Now I see the problem, thx, hope this helps. and for the other members... greedy ppl lol... just kidding