1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Fredsavage, Druid, Resto. 2. Armory Link: (explain talent choices here in needed): http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sargeras&n=Fredsavage I have been reading a lot of theorycrafting on resto druids and have not settled on a spec yet. I'm sure within a week or so I will find the best one that suits me, but there is no clear cut cookie cutter spec out there. As for feral, I have the best feral spec possible. 3. List raid helpful professions: At the moment I am working on LW and Skinning. I realize that skinning is definitely not as close to as beneficial as a second main prof, but I will not be dropping it until I am finished leveling LW. After that I will consider JC or Enchanting depending on the cost of mats. 4. Time playing WoW and PvE progression: Started playing approximately 6 months after release. Vanilla - MC, BWL, AQ20/40, 2 wings of Naxx. All pre-nerf/before 70 talents were released. Burning Crusade - Grull, Magtheridon, SSC, TK, Hyjal, BT, Sunwell up to M'uru, all pre-nerf. WotLK - Naxx, ToC 10/25, ToGC 10/25 (minus Anub 25), Ulduar 13/14 and ICC 4/12 (new wing gets released today). 5. PvP influences and impact on raiding: I haven't really done any serious PvP since getting glad S2 with Tuna, and don't expect to be doing any in the near future. I do still love WSG and AB, but it definitely wouldn't have any detrimental impact on my raiding. 6. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions): 27. 7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding(family, classes, dorm, night shifts etc): At the moment I do minor networking and computer reinstalls from home. I choose to work when I please for the most part unless it is an emergency, so there is no problem. 8. Guild you are leaving and why: (If you join another guild without following up here, application will be closed): BiS. I had some RL issues come up that prevented me from staying above 80% attendance for 2 weeks and was demoted. At that time I decided to take a break from raiding, as work and the RL schedule got more hectic as the holidays were closing in. I can assure you that everything is back to normal now. Also as a side note, I signed the charter, helped found the guild and had nearly 100% raid attendance until that point. Many officers and members will vouch for that if needed. 9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild: Dukhat. Been trying to raid with him ever since I came over here to play with the fgt. 10. List consumables you bring to raid: Flasks for both specs (Frost Wyrm and Endless Rage), 60+ Hearty Rhino (much better than feast for ferals) and pots for cooldowns (generally haste). 11. Additional Scheduling conflicts (consider possible weekend groups for 10mans): I don't play a ton on the weekends however you will see me on sporadically. There are no scheduling conflicts for the main raiding times, and I am on plenty during off-raid times as well. 12. Provide measure of your damage/healing such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s), WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing: I will ask for some WWS of my feral dps, it ranges from 6.5-8k depending on raid buffs/fight mechanics etc. As for my healing, I am fairly new to resto so I will need to get some logs for you this week. 13. Provide a UI screenshot from raid combat: http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n49/inebb/WoWScrnShot_093009_163540.jpg This is a bit older and from a DPS point of view, but my healing frames are very much the same. 14. Final comments you feel could help your application: I realize that my resto gear isn't exactly ready to jump into the new wing of ICC 25 just yet, but I am working to improve it very quickly. I will be running myself a ToC 25m and reserving two trophies to pick up 2 piece 9.25 today, as well as running other things that have much needed upgrades for myself. That being said, I am a very solid healer. No, I don't have much experience as a resto druid yet, but I have healed through all of the content I listed in #4 as either a priest or a paladin. Raid or tank healing is definitely not something that is new to me, and you can rely on me to show up and not stand in fire. I anticipate to pick this spec up very easily. I just wanted to let my interest be known because I was told (and saw on forums) that you guys were in need of a solid main resto druid, and I can definitely fill that spot.
Forgot to mention a few things. First off I am applying because your raid times are earlier than BiS and their raid times were proving to start/end a little late for my liking. Also regarding the gems in my gear, everything 232+ will have epic gems in it today unless I foresee replacing it within the week. I don't want to spend 350g+ on pieces I will likely only be using for a day or two more.
We would benefit infinitely from a reliable and prostar resto druid. Gearing you up wouldn't be too much of an issue, especially in ToC/ToGC.
This being the accepted "spec": Trees!!! Why is yours different and what healing are you trying to accomplish. Would you be willing to respec for the raids needs and how would your general rotation change to meet different needs.
There are several different specs you can take depending on how much haste you have, and what spells you want to be healing with. With the GCD nerf in 3.3, it is worth putting 18 into balance until you are at a soft haste cap. Some specs are more geared towards Nourish, while some definitely aren't. Optimally I would be looking to raid heal while rolling as many hots on tanks as mana/time allows, yet keeping any Nourish buffing talents to handle spike damage taken by any raid members. Yes, I have always been known to respec to meet the needs of a raid, I can either bring two different resto specs or my resto spec and feral dps spec. There is some theorycrafting here: http://treebarkjacket.com/ , more on EJ which I frequent and a third site that I can't think of off the top of my head right now. The spec you posted is very likely what I will be settling on, although I don't like the loss of 20% SP to Nourish. I need to do more research on Revitalize to see if 1/3 would be good enough. I have a PvP resto spec and an odd PvE one on Armory right now, the server went down half way through an instance before I could tweak anything. From what I understand slow rolling Lifebloom is the only real mana efficient way of using it, and obviously if I was assigned to a tank there would be more concentrating on his hots/direct heals than concentrating on a raid. All healing is situational, so my rotation will always change depending on the situation. Unless I roll a shaman, then i can just spam ES/Riptide/Chain.
You're raid experience is definitely something that is a positive. Even though your gear is lacking that is not a hard thing to fix at all. We have 3 Groups running ICC 10, 2 Running ICC 25 one with mains one with alts. ToGC 25 we farm up to Anub weekly and work on Anub. IMO I would accept your app. I'll see what other officers have to say.
Yeah I understand my gear is lacking to dive RIGHT into the new ICC wing, and obviously some of ToGC 25 but it's getting fixed up fast. Just got another 245 a few minutes ago. I am applying for the main 25 man core progression raid though (as soon as I can pull my weight obviously). Have been farming the hell out of heroics so as soon as I can scoop some trophies and grab 4pc I shouldn't have to replace much more. Tried to reserve 2 but the pugs weren't having it so I nabbed one.