I used to like to RP, even back on Starcraft. But at some point, I lose all patience and creativity and find RP'ing lame. D:
I've never rp'ed on a forum, because I consider forums ooc. But I kinda rp'ed in swg, it was pretty easy since they don't talk like "thee" and "thou" in the lore. Just talked normal with a "teh" here and there.
Back When SWG first came out, maybe out for 2 weeks, this "chick" wanted me to marry her. I was young, laughed, and said sure why not, but then she got all weird on me and said she wanted her parents to be at our wedding. I think it was at that time I decided RPing was very very bad.
RP... oh. Well, kind of. I don't do it all that much though, mainly since there's rarely any reason for it. I usually reserve role-playing for actual RPGs, which tend to involve some kind of real-time chat system more often than forum posts.
I like to create stories and backgrounds for every character i create in a game. that sayed i dont usualy PR anything. basicaly im just a lazy person with little free time! but i have to say i have never RP in a forum! i have some friends that did send me invites to join them in some of those but it to much work and im to lazy.
I used to RP a ton of some RP forums, like Everbane (which went through so many different names.) and StoryCrafter and shit. But I can't keep up with it anymore and get lazy with that sort of stuff. I am with Vanguard though, I love RPing in game more than on a forum. It's what kept me stuck to games like Neverwinter Nights and World of Warcraft as long as I did.
I'm not much of an RPer, though I've given it a fair shot because of some friends of mine who are SUPER into pen & paper RPGs. They even did in-character Livejournals for one of their campaigns. I just couldn't get into it, though. I have been known to occasionally participate in spontaneous in-game RP on non-RP servers. It's hella funny, because someone always flips out over it.
Hehe, yeah, that would be strange. I remember people getting married in UO and we would crash the party and kill people (bride and groom first lol). I basically played a strong silent type in swg. I was a BH and Boba Fett has always been a hero of mine, so yeah, didn't speak much.
Sometimes, not a hardcore one, but I do so love talking like a black orc in game.. it is so funny. lol Anyways..