So I have been reading a series of books that I think would go over well in the Xen community. The author is Joe Abercrombie, and he has a trilogy, as well as a standalone book called "Best Served Cold" that is in the same world as the trilogy. Fantasy, but very dark and very violent. I think it would make a great movie in the right hands, or a great video game world, also if done correctly. This author may be old news to many of you, but I thought I would pitch it out there for anyone who may not have heard. Definitely worth a read. For those of you that do know this author, I would love to hear some recommendations for other authors in a similar vein (dark humour, violence, but with a developed story). Also, I am going to try to track down a possible map of this world, as it can be difficult at times to map where all the locations are in your head (at least it has been for me, half way through 1st book in trilogy and done "best served cold"). Cheers
He has 4 Books out so far, the First Law Trilogy, which starts with The Blade Itself, his first publication. The book "Best Served Cold" was written after the trilogy but takes place in the same world. I started with Best Served Cold, but in hindsight I believe its better to start as he did, with The Blade Itself. All in all, really worth checking out, imo.