Q. How old are you? A. 24 __ Q. What gaming experience do you have? A. i'll name MMO's just to keep it short. SWG, DAoC, WoW, EVE, Lineage 2. I know there are others but i forget their names. __ Q. What is the name / class / level of your character(s)? A. Fonekill Blackguard R40/RR50 __ Q. Do you have a mic? A. Yes, and Ventrilo. I don't like to talk much. __ Q. Have you been part of any other guilds in WAR? If yes, what guild(s)? A. Cake or Destruction __ Q. Why do you want to join Xen? A. Coordination in RvR. RvR is all i play for. Whenever i see destruction accomplish anything in RvR XoO is always leading. __ Q. Do you have a referal? A. No.