Planetside 2 ApplicationHow old are you? 21 In-Game Name? Fluffy918 Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes Why did you choose XoO: I remember yall from PS1, although I wasnt on the same server or even same faction. I'm looking for a well organized outfit that focuses on communication and teamwork and XoO is exactly that. Previous Gaming Experience: I've played video games my whole life, mostly FPS, RTS, RPG, MMO genres. Playing with friends is always more fun, especially in MMOs like Planetside. I always try to find a good guild in an MMO because it makes gaming more fun. I think I'm above average at FPS in particular. What will you contribute to the guild? I haven't decided on what role I'd like to play, but I'm very flexible. In PS1 I was an NC grunt, didn't have a very good outfit and didn't have a mic. I can take or give orders, whether it be in an aerial assault squad or ground transport or infiltrator recon. I listen well, have a good tactical mindset and am mature. Localization: North America Do you have a referral? - A little bit about yourself? I'm a young guy from California. Love video games, especially playing with friends. Playing with others in a mature, coordinated fashion is the best. Never got to that level in PS1 unfortunately, but I heard of XoO and hope to do so with yall in PS2! Activity level? 30 Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes Have you applied to the Planetside 2 usergroup? Yes
An NC huh? I don't know... Answer this question: What does Technology equal? Hop into our Teamspeak server (I'll pm you the details) so we can get to know you a little better. Look for one of our Planetside 2 Officers, any of whom should be able to further process your application. Officers: Dullard, Fliggenman, Kythas, Mirr, Phoenixdog, Sokar.
Complete List of XoO Information! Be sure to check out our PS2 forums for more information, and please respond to the following threads. BETA Roll Call (EVERYONE REPLY) PlanetSide 2 Introductions! Stop in and say hello (Thats an order!) Potential PS2 Roster Application Accepted.