Anyone looking at this? It's apparently the rerelease of FFXIV I have a few friends that got alpha invites and tried it and they said the game is godlike now. I don't know much about the games details however. There's supposed to be an open beta sometime soon so I'll probably try it then.
There is already a post about this here Closed Beta will be starting sometime in Jan. The CBT/OBT is probably going to be a 5 month plan. I would not say the game is "godlike" but it has improved tremendously.
I'll only say godlike if I they nail the Summoner class. We'll see in Beta. Right now I'm expecting an extensive Japanese Closed Beta before we NA/EU players get our chance to see the new changes. I don't mean to sound like a bubble burster, but I get the feeling many of us in Alpha won't get a chance to play the game again until March at the very least.
From the sound of it. Summoners will be similar to FFXI. You start with Carbuncle and need to go collect the others.