FFXIV ApplicationHow old are you? 31 In-Game Name? Borden Grote Do you have Teamspeak3 and a Mic? Yes What is your Primary Combat Class Archer What is your Primary Crafting Class Carpenter What is your Current Physical Level? 10 Why did you choose XoO: A friend of mine, who I have known for about 8 years, recommended that I play Final Fantasy XIV. After checking out the beta, and discovering that it plays so much better with a controller, I decided to join in. He has been showing me some of the ropes and suggested that I join the XoO. Previous Gaming Experience: I have been gaming ever since I can remember, as my family always had an Atari 2600. I have owned pretty much every major console at some point over the years. My taste in games is also very diverse, as I enjoy everything from shooters and action to rpg and strategy. My favorite recent games include Fallout 3, Dragon Quest IX, Infamous, Batman Arkham Asylum, Super Mario Galaxy... I could certainly go on. I played a bit of FFXI back in the day, and played a bit more of WoW over the years. Why do you think you'll be a good fit? I am mostly here because of the recommendation of my friend, and I trust his judgment in people. If he fits in, I think that I would likely fit in as well. In addition, I am already familiar with the basics of mmo mechanics and while I am just learning the FFXIV ropes, it's still new, so I guess we all are. I do feel like I am a quick learner and have already figured out a good deal of the game mechanics on my own. Given that, I am also good at explaining the way things work to others in a concise and effective manner. I also understand the importance of working well with others in a calm and rational fashion. What will you contribute to the guild? I am good at taking direction, and in fact that is something that helps focus my energies in a game as open and big as this. With that in mind, I would try to fit in where needed and be available to help out with the current goals. I am also happy to share the stuff I don't need for the benefit of the greater good... the greater good. (That's right, a Hot Fuzz reference, just so you know I'm cool.) Do you have a referral? Secret Chief A little bit about yourself? I live in Chicago, and I moved here a little over 3 years ago to pursue a career in comedy. I am currently taking improv classes and am a member of an improv/sketch group. Mr. Show and the State are probably why I'm doing this. I also play and write music, mostly guitar and vocals, and have been in a band in the past. I love to read, but don't do it often enough, and mostly gravitate to modern literary fiction such as House of Leaves or Fortress of Solitude. Hunter S Thompson might be my favorite writer, but then again Kurt Vonnegut is pretty damn good too.
Hot Fuzz is the shit, if I could I would just accept you but I cant. So GL! Hey can we make him play guitar and sing in TS?