Hello Fallen Earth™ fans, We are happy to announce that we are moving into Closed Beta. While our hours of polish and debugging are paying off, we hope that you’ll join us in this important phase of testing. We’ve gained a lot of valued feedback from you on individual towns, but now it’s time to test the system as a whole. Closed beta will give our team the opportunity to conduct some stress tests and tweak how the towns work in concert to provide a positive player experience. With this phase, you’ll be able to play (and level) freely through all three sectors of the game, giving you a much better handle on the entire storyline of the game. If you haven’t been back in a while, login and see what’s going on. You can also encourage friends to sign up at www.fallenearth.com. If you’re looking for a few additional opportunities to participate in Fallen Earth activities, don’t miss these upcoming events: Fallen Earth Day with the Devs, February 12 Join the Fallen Earth devs for a play test from 1—5 p.m. (EST) on February 12. Fans are also welcome to come back for the monthly House of Commons chat, hosted by Stratics.com at 9 p.m. EST. For more information on this event, go here. Fallen Earth Road Crew: Raleigh-Durham, NC and Baltimore, MD If you’re around the Raleigh-Durham or Baltimore/DC area, you’re in for a treat. Fallen Earth is on the road and coming to a place near you. Save the date for these important fan events and check back on www.fallenearth.com for more information. February 19: Ess Lounge in downtown Raleigh, N.C., 7 p.m. EST February 26: Greystone Grill in Hunt Valley, M.D., 6:30 p.m. EST Thanks for your continued support of Fallen Earth! -The Fallen Earth Team
you have to go into your user profile and select beta as the option in one of the tabs to actually have a shot of getting into beta btw. http://forums.fallenearth.com/fallenearth/feoptions.php?do=editoptions