After being offline for a while due to unforeseen problems with my former ISP and me moving to new house, i can finally say im back online. Since i got a message saying i should reapply here it goes. 1. Age (18+ Requirement): 27 2. In-Game Name: Evilmaran 3. Do you have TeamSpeak3 and a mic?: yes 4. Previous gaming experience: a lot, WoW, various F2P mmo's, diabloII, UT, etc. 5. Why did you choose XoO?: fun but serious people here 6. Why do you think you'll be a good fit?: im a casual hardcore gamer 7. What will you contribute to the guild: fun dedication and lots of ambition 8. How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?: ill provide the noobish behaviour and you ppl can laugh at me 9) What class do you intend to play?: sorcerer/warrior 10) Localization (NA/EU)?: EU 11. Do you have a referal?: first time i followed the link on TERA forums, now erhm well not really 12. A little bit about yourself: check former application (couldnt find it) 13. Activity Level? (hrs/week) probably more hours online/ingame then at work (minimum of 35 hours a week requirement) 14. Apply to usergroup: done.
Make sure to stay active this time, or post that you will be away. There is a reason we have a thread for it or PM's. Accepted, again.
i let Kyoiji know i was gonna be gone for a while, exceeded the time i thought it would though. pm'ed him about it i think.