Archeage Unchained Estion's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Estion, Oct 5, 2019.

  1. Estion
    Xoobie AAU Member

    Oct 5, 2019
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    Flight Attendant
    Boston, MA
    How old are you?:
    Do you have a working mic?:
    Are you aware that we prefer you to be in comms (Discord/TS) while in game at the very least when doing guild activities? (Don’t have to be talking, can be on mute)::
    What experiences do you have with being part of a guild/team in MMO games/online games in general?:
    Was a raid leader in WOW and SWTOR but eventually just wanted to play the game and not be to responsible. Than for some reason I got talked into being a guild officer and dealt with Recruitment/Social Media. I became a Guild Leader for ESO for my former gaming community for a couple of years. I always played in Social guilds, so we didn't do hardcore or world first. I usually played a healer or mage in raid teams.
    What experiences do you have within Archeage if any? Been apart of any large achievements?:
    Last time I played was Archeage 3.5. I have experience with Castle Claim, Siege, world bosses with my former guilds. My main focus in the game during that time was being land baron and had a supply chain for tradepacks and crafting materials.
    Are you aware that as a guild, on launch we will be playing as a guild and doing things for the guild to get ahead of our competitors and make OUR guild members life easier in the long run?:
    Are you a lone wolf player or team player? explain::
    Lone Wolf Player. To be honest it depends on the situation. Guild Events I tend to always participate. I always contribute to the guild make items that will help the guilds in raids etc. What happens is I get to involved with my farms and get I sucked into playing "Archeage Farmville". In AA:U I don't plan and would probably be impossible for me to be a land baron. It also depends on the guild maturity; I might find a group of players or people I prefer to play with within the guild that are like-minded. I don't expect 100% political correctness, but I can only handle words like FAG, GAY, NIGGER, CUNT, derogatory terms ETC for a certain amount a time. I usually just ignore the individual or mute their mic for myself. In pvp/raid situations unfortunately I don't mute them if they are the leader until the raid is over. The problem with me is that I can't find a hardcore guild that have a mature mentality. Based on this Guild code of conduct I hope this is the right spot for me.
    Do you have any idea on what class/professions you would like to play?:
    Bard/Healer/Mage based class. With AA:U it depends if I can find a family or create a family and what we decide to focus on and where we place our farms etc for me to determine a professions focus.
    How many hours will you be able to play per week, knowing that we ask for at least 20-ish hours a week (unless you have personal reasons. We aren't satans here we understand you have a life…..maybe?):
    Here's my situation in a month I most likely can give over 100 hours a month, but some weeks I won't be able to give 20 hours. I'm a flight attendant and I get 15-20 days off a month but I like to stack my days, so i work 5-9 days in a row and have off 5-20 days in a row. My schedule is made a month in advance so unfortunately with launch date change I got screwed over, since it moved to the middle of my work week. I was off until the Oct. 14! I'm not sure how it will affect me but I will be able to log on. I think I'm just spoiled because of the type of job I have, I tend to plan game launches with my days off and pretty much play nonstop for days. I just hope I won't be too far behind until my next break.
    What time zone / time do you tend to play?:
    EST, Depends on what the guild is doing. In the past when farming Synthesis Shards I'll wake up at 6am EST grind and turn in trade packs. The server is usually real dead around 6am-11am.
    Where did you hear about XOO? Discord/Forums/Person (whom?):
    Why would you like to join Xen of Onslaught?:
    Reading and watching the guild achievements I believe the guild is prepared for launch.
    Have you applied to join the USER GROUP?:
    Join the discord here:

    Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    Oct 1, 2014
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    Bomb Dropper
    Where the Army puts me
    Accepted and on Probation!