Hope this leads to lots more mods and free games...and a wealth of untapped talent. im dl now..Ill be so lost..omg I will be so lost.... http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=25955 link to download locations http://www.udk.com/download.html
lol funny since one of the engines we use at the study is the unreal one . so after i graduated i can start making indy games =D !!! i bet they strip it down tho.... remove the good stuff etc.
I going to get this and mess with it. Hopefully I can figure it out and make something cool with it. Time for a real XoOG?
I would expect it's most likely something like UE2R, so probably no game-specific code or anything like that. Well, maybe not quite actually since that was explicitly not aimed at gaming-related projects, even free ones (I don't remember whether or not it was allowed, but I think I do remember that they intended such people to mod existing games instead). So, this is a slight change in tune; which does make it possible that there will be more weapon/character-type handling in there.
I'm going to tinker with this as well. I would like to start a gaming companyingin my mid 30's so I have about 8 years to know all there is to know.