What is your in game name?: EndoriaHow old are you?: 24Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?: YesCan you make raid nights on consistent and reliable basis? (Tue/Thur/Sun @ 7:30pm server): YesWhat class and specialization(s) are you applying as?: Destro warlockLink your main character's armory page.: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/emerald-dream/Endoria/advancedList any alternate classes and specialization that you may be interested in playing.(opt.): n/aLink the armory page(s) for any alternate character listed.(opt.): n/aWhat tools or guides do you use to optimize your character?: warcraftlogs for raid analysis, simcraft for theorycrafting, askmrrobot (when math is hard)Link a recent log of a raid you participated in.: Sadly nothing from super recent, the most relevant information I can provide is this (destro is only thing worth looking at) https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/character/7916688/latest#boss=0What is your previous raiding experience?: I've raided consistently every patch/raid since t7 with mythic (old heroic) progression in cata and mists.Why are you interested in XoO?: I have been very busy for most of WoD but now that the semester has lightened up and nothing is planned to come up for the foreseeable future I decided I wanted to progress with a guild through HFC.What are you looking for in raiding with XoO?: A mid progressed group that is willing to put in the time to finish the tier with effort. I am looking for an environment that is fun and serious, willing to enjoy themselves but understands that we are scheduling time to kill bosses and people can hangout and mess around on other hours.
Thank you for your application. I would like to get you in ts for a few minutes for a short interview at your earliest convenience. You can contact either Jasmine or myself (kuulin#1631) to let us know what time works for you.
Sounds great, I will be online most if not all of today and will get a hold of one of you as soon as I see you come online. I will also add you to bnet for easy communication, if you see a request from Endo#1996 it is me feel free to add me if you feel so incline.