Not overly sure what it is, got a chance to sign up for their beta (seem to get one a month in the post...) "Game FAQ Q - What is End of Nationsâ„¢? End of Nationsâ„¢ is the new massive online strategy game from Trion Worlds and Petroglyph Games, where you fight battles in a persistent global war. Worldwide PvP in End of Nationsâ„¢ plays out across maps hosting 2-56 simultaneous combatants. End of Nationsâ„¢ will also have in-depth progression, allowing you to earn and unlock new units, abilities, and superweapons to build and customize your ultimate army. Gather your forces, customize them to fit your strategy, plan your attack, and lead the way to global victory." Also seeing the FAQ appears to be a F2P, RTSMMO, apparently