Other (not listed) Ed/Max's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Ed/Max, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. Ed/Max

    Jun 8, 2013
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    Final Fantasy XIV:ARR Application
    How old are you?
    What is your in-game name?
    Maxious Lionheart
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?
    What are the top five games that influenced you most and a little bit as to why?
    FF7, 11 & 14/ Halo/ Metroid/ Castlevania/ Dmc
    - for one, the action, adventure and story with these games are really great. The MMO games are fun and when group up with friends it becomes epic
    What kind of content do you prefer to PvP, PvE, or both? (If only 1 are you willing to put effort on both?)
    What guilds have you played with and what roles did you have within the guild?
    -Well @ my last guild I was a Lead and helped organize events and strategies. At first it was a kick ass guild but latter down the road several players became elitist and left out a large portion of members out of the loop and did their own thing leaving the rest behind. The reason for me leaving the guild was because our main lead wasn't focus on what the entire guild needs instead he only pursue things the he only wanted for himself.
    What brings you to XoO and why did you choose us?
    I got and invite from an old friend to play ARR with him a several of old colleges from my old guild. We wanted to be in a well focus and friendly group and my friend was telling me of this group/organization which has done a kick ass job getting stuff done.
    List some of the things that you think will make you an asset to XoO.
    - I pretty much play everyday 4-5 hrs/day and days off even longer. I like coordinating strategies with everyone and making sure that they are in the loop of what were doing as a group. I like to be fair and open minded on everything that we do/ decide with our group.
    You are in a middle of a raid and the raid leader calls out a command you don't think will work out. Do you hesitate and contest, or do you listen anyways and speak your mind after the fact?
    - I ran into this situation allot not only from group leads but several other ppl/players who might have and input while on a raid. I'm always up to trying different things while on a raid and there's not loss in trying different things/strategies. The one thing that I/we might change with this upcoming MMO re-release is to have a video record of everyone in the party so we can better view/analyze every runs/raids that we do.
    A little bit about yourself? *Gaming history, habits, etc...*
    I've always been a huge fan for RPG games because of the adventures that I can experience from it. I like to have fun with the game that I'm playing. When i get really into something I stay focus all the way through until completion. The best game that I've ever played was the original FF3 on SNES. Since then I've been into the FF series then got into FF11 in 2004.
    How many hours do you play per week, on average?
    35-40 hrs/ week
    Were you reffered to XoO? If so, enter the name of the person who referred you to XoO
    Owainn Alexandros
    List the best times for your interview
    4-9 pm est mon-thr/ fri- sun can be on longer and earlier than 4 pm
    Have you applied to the FF XIV:ARR usergroup?
  2. Owainn
    Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Business Owner
    Miami, Florida
    Accepted... welcome!