Dylanxx's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Dylanxx, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. Dylanxx

    Mar 15, 2014
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    Pharmacy Technician
    North Carolina
    WildStar Application
    How old are you?
    32 years old but will be 33 by the time the game is released. I know I'm a old man.
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?
    Typically, can you commit to events that run from 8PM-11PM EST?
    What times are you availible to play? Be specific and include your timezone.
    Currently I work part time and am on disability so I am free most days. Current schedule is working Thursday and Friday and every third weekend. Only Thursday and Friday (one of the two) would I ever work past 8 pm. I am on East coast time reigning from North Carolina.
    How many hours do you anticipate playing per week, on average?
    Well I am one of those morning people so I've been known to be on 12 -16 hours in a day. But if I have to give an average 50 hours (low ball)
    What is your anticipated Character Class?
    Currently I am on the fence with Medic and Spell slinger. I would need some Beta time to further nail down my choice.
    What is your anticipated playstyle (DPS,Healer, or Tank)?
    I have recently grown to love healing. I know it is a bit different in this game. DPS would be my plan B. Never tanked before in any game.
    What is your MMO experience and what progression have you experienced in those games? Please be as detailed as possible
    This might be long lol. So my first MMO was Aion I played an Assassin. My boss at work at the time invited me to his group. So after getting my feet wet and leveling to 30ish I got a little bored with the speed that everyone else was leveling at. I was waiting to do content till people caught up. Eventually I left them on good terms and joined Daeva of War. At the time they were number one on the server by a huge margin. That wasn't though the reason I joined. There was a sense of family there. Friends were made and relationships evolved. I had never anticipated this from a video game no less. So we fast forward a bit and DOW decides to leave the game (most of the core members) and we prepare for Final Fantasy 14.

    I stayed in touch with leaders and on forums till that time came. I was still a no body at this point. Maybe a newbie is a better word. FF14 1.0 starts and I pick lancer. This game was horrible to say the least but I was dedicated to DOW and put my heart and soul into it. I was the first level 50 on the server. Back then it was hell to level up, the ui was god awful etc etc. Still I stayed patch after patch. Started leveling all classes under the guidance of Doctor Mog our leader. Grind Grind Grind. After grouping with more of the skilled players I began to get noticed and earned my officer status. He chose me as a officer not because of my raid leadership but more of counsel. Seeing things that some of the officers refused to see. ( example: players that had potential. They were good people and no one noticed because some officers didnt play with anyone but their static)

    Time drags on and the game is dying players are dropping like flies. I even left for a month and came back. There was nothing to do in the game. I was loyal to a fault. At one point some players from DOW branched out and started playing Rift. I went along for that ride as well. However the players that left went out of their way to exclude me from things. I can't tell you the reason why because I am not them. I was still a part of the DOW community since it was a gaming community and waited till new content came out for FF14. I joined what turned out to be an awesome raid group in Rift and we downed the Green dragon (forgot his name) which was the end content at that time.

    Finally content starts rolling in after the director for FF14 gets fired and Yoshi takes over. I lost my officer status due to my absence in Rift but understandable. So we end up blowing through content patch after patch. Ifirit hard mode was a bitch but we did it. I had all classes to 50 and 2 crafting classes at 50. Left with 2 relics before the game ended.

    Played some console games in between and kept in touch with some of the officers in preparation for the Final Fantasy you know today. This is the beginning of the end. As anyone who is playing FF14 knows there are only 4 man raids and 8 man raids. The first part of the game was great exploring all the changes and blah blah blah. I leveled the new class to 50 (arcanist) but I still liked my Lancer/Dragoon. Well there wasn't much space for me in the dungeons so I take the initiative and start gearing Bard and Black mage so I can participate. But then it clicks. DOW which was quoted to be "good people over good players" started to crack and crumble apart.

    The leader still Doctor Mog had changed some how and I wasn't the only one who saw this. We started just random inviting people with no applications. The rules started to only apply to certain people when it fit their purposes. Leaders weren't held accountable to anything. There was a whole page of rules and guidelines that meant nothing anymore. Leadership was fragmented with each other. Statics were formed of course but a lot of good people got left out for weeks at a time. We have meetings to try to turn this around and all it is was a bunch of smoke screen promises.

    I was now a Veteran of DOW going on my 4th year knowing some of these players on a very personal level. Some one reading this might ask why did you stay? Well I was emotionally tied to them. It had become a huge part of my life. I even drove out to Ohio to meet a bunch of them. Had a blast drinking and cutting up. I couldn't bring myself to leave.

    Lets get back to the game part for a moment. I was by now all dark light equipped and trying to get into coil runs to learn it at the very least. So I get put in a group finally hooray.....right? At this time I was playing summoner. Good parses and clearing 1-3 easy. Then a friends of the raid leader comes back so they kick me and pass me to another group. Ok now I have to learn their play style and how they communicate. No problem. So I ask the leaders why am I getting passed around. Is there something I am doing wrong? etc etc. Nobody had any real answer. All this time I see all these political battle with the officers, hypocrisy, and just plain elitist greed going on.

    So now I am playing the game pretty bitter. Unhappy. Carrying over into real life. Now I see I am holding on to hope and the past of what DOW was. I end up joining some new people that got invited to DOW and 2 veteran players who were with DOW since the beginning of it formation. I am start running coil with them and I am actually enjoying the game. The end is near though. I ended up being the scholar (healer) and found it very enjoyable. So our raid leader asks us to join another chat client other than DOW to raid because a couple members were having issues hearing and logging on. We all do so not thinking anything wrong about it. ( me and couple others are still in the DOW client as well in a quiet room)

    In the middle of the raid we all get booted from the Free company. The 2nd in command of DOW takes it upon himself that we have committed some ultimate treason lol. We are like WTF? So I stop raiding pop up a channel to see what is going on. The other 2 veterans stay behind. I ask why did you kick everyone? He says because in the rules we are supposed to be in a DOW chat client at all times if we are needed. I reply ok we are in a party already with 8 people what could you possible need? Nothing you just cant use another client. I reply with we had some members having trouble logging on and the other client was better for them. He responds I don't care. So I ask then you can just do whatever you want and not discuss it with anyone? He responds with yes I can. I am done at this point. It was like talking to a gorilla. I say my goodbyes and the end of 4 years of my life with DOW.

    I still play FF14 with those same coil members but only for raiding a couple times a week for turn 5. Not really having a good time any more in game. Socially no one is on much. I think it is time to put my character to rest and move on.

    I hope I didn't bore the lot of you reading this. I just wanted to share a small part of my experience and progression. I put a lot of time into this please take that into account.
    Are you willing to put in the time and effort researching your class in order to maximize your characters in-game abilities? This includes researching the most effective specs, talents, and strategies.
    How do you feel about progression raiding?
    Well I think there are 2 types of progression raiding. 1. Raiding like its a second full time job with over time. 2. Raiding on a set schedule to advance in the game at a moderate pace. I prefer a mix of the 2 sometimes.
    How do you feel about PvP?
    Ah PVP question.....Well I like the concept of PVP and was only exposed to it Aion. I am willing to help however I can but would need someone skilled to really help me improve. I love learning new things and can adapt pretty quickly at my old age lol
    Are you able to dedicate 2-3 nights and 2-3 hours on each of those nights per week to guild specific functions?
    Do you plan on playing any other MMO while playing WildStar Online?
    Have you been a part of any other Xen of Onslaught division? If so, which ones and do you have anyone who would recommend you?
    Referred by?
    Have you read the WildStar Division Information thread and agree to abide by the guidelines within?
    Certify that you have requested to join the WildStar Permissions Group (availible by editing your profile) by selecting YES.
  2. Itherael

    Sep 3, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for your application. I really appreciate the effort that you put into it and that really tells me a lot about yourself. The second part of the application process is to schedule a TeamSpeak interview. When would you be availible to meet?
  3. Dylanxx

    Mar 15, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Pharmacy Technician
    North Carolina
    I am free now :)
  4. Itherael

    Sep 3, 2010
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    Scheduled for tomorrow at 9PM EST.
  5. Itherael

    Sep 3, 2010
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    Spoke with in TeamSpeak on 3/17. Approved.