Dworkin Barriman's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Dworkin Barriman, May 19, 2013.

  1. Dworkin Barriman

    May 19, 2013
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    Guild Wars 2 Application
    How old are you?
    What is your in-game account name?
    Dworkin Barriman.1275
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?
    What are the top five games that influenced you most?
    I started playing online back in 2000 with Diablo 2, I liked the game for it's dark theme, but quickly became enamored with the PvP part of the game. I played Diablo 2 till 2004 when GW1 was in beta. I liked GW1 so I stuck with it, playing it till the player population fell off a cliff in 2010. I played in a guild called Tryst of Vengeance with a member of yours, Myrmidian Eudoros. Not sure if he's still a member as I haven't seen him on a whole lot lately. During the time that I was playing GW1, I also was very active playing both Counter strike: Source, and Half-life2. I liked the gameplay of CSS, but I had issues with the hitbox accuracy, as well as the amount of hackers that were rampant in the game. So in 2010, I picked up BFBC2, and I liked the Rush version of online play so much, that I stuck with it till BF3, and GW2 came out. I'm definitely a PvP oriented person, but I also like to delve into PvE from time to time.
    What kind of content do you prefer to play?
    What guilds have you played with and what roles did you have within the guild?
    I played in a PvP clan in D2 called DoE or the disciples of evil, but it wasn't until GW1 that I really became a member of an online community. I joined ToV in 2005 after a failed attempt to bring DoE to GW. I just left the guild today after several months of inactivity by it's members. I ran primarily Monk, and elementalist in ToV GvG matches, and was a member of the Guild's first cadre, back in ToV's heyday. I have been a part of Noble Phantasm on SBI since November of 2012, and I'm still a member there. I primarily play Ele, and Guard, but am currently working on using thief. My gameplay style lends towards playing support characters. However I like to play pure DPS when I have good support classes with me.
    What attracts you to this guild more than others?
    I would like to join XOO based on the glowing review of your guild by Myrmidian Eudoros, or as I know him, EDR. He told me that XOO is a purist PvP oriented guild, and I am constantly trying to improve myself as a player. I guess I figure that the only way to progress further as a pvp player, is to surround myself with like minded people.
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    I am an easy going person, when it comes to dealing with other people out of game. I like to joke and have fun, (cause after all if it ain't fun, what's the point). However, I also like to win, and I'm extremely competitive. I play much more weekly that your minimum requirement, and I'm always up for anything. I'm loyal, and will give the guild great word of mouth advertising. More than that though, I don't guild jump, and I don't quit games that I like, so you would be getting a player who is in game for the duration. I feel that I have enough skill to help any group that I'm in, but I also know my shortcomings and am constantly trying to learn how to be a better player. So I'm always open to constructive criticism.
    What are some of your achievements in Guild Wars 2?
    I have 100% map completion, I am at lvl 18 in fractals. I have all dungeons unlocked, and have finished all paths of most of them. I have played WvW as much as I can with my current guild. However many of them are PvE players, and that is one of the reasons why I'm applying to XOO. my sPvP rank is still a rabbit, but I want to change that ASAP. In a nutshell, I need a guild that does WvW, and SPvP alot more.
    Do you have a good computer and internet connection that can handle WvW zergs?
    What classes and builds do you play efficiently?
    I only play Ele EFFICIENTLY. I am currently learning to play Guard better in sPvP, but I don't feel I'm there yet. As stated above, the Guilds I have been a member with thus far, have been inactive, and PvE based. I feel that there is much to learn, and I'm anxious to learn it.
    Do you play on North American or European servers?
    A little bit about yourself?
    I am a midwesterner, I am 38 and work for a telecommunications company. I love to game, and ride motorcycles. I'm married, but my wife is cool about my gaming (for the most part). I think of myself as easy going, and I like to have fun. However I can be extremely competitive, cause I don't like to lose.
    How many hours do you play per week, on average?
    30 to 40
    Were you reffered to XoO? If so, enter the name of the person who referred you to XoO
    List the best times for your interview
    I live in the CST zone, and work till 5pm my time. So any time after 6pm CST, any day of the week is good. Mon-Sun
    Have you applied to the GW2 usergroup?
  2. Eumaeos Romanus
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Mar 9, 2012
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    This guy is an old friend of mine.