1. Age (18+ Requirement): 30+ 2. In-Game Name (Summoner Name): bladesong 3. Do you have TeamSpeak3 and a mic?: yep 4. Previous gaming experience: goes back to the Intellevision days 5. Did you play DoTA? If yes, how long?: No 6. Why did you choose XoO?: I'm already here 7. Why do you think you'll be a good fit?: if I wasn't I probably would've been kicked. 8. What will you contribute to the guild?: Add another competent players to the ranks and give people another person to game with. 9. How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?: extra competition helps to improve everybody's skills. 10. Do you have a referal?: Can i refer myself? 11. A little bit about yourself: Been with XoO since '05 in everything from GW to BF. Real life I'm a IT tech that works for the government. 12. Activity Level? (hrs/week) 5-7 hours per week. 13. Have you applied to the League of Legends usergroup yet? If answer is no, now is the time do to that: Just did!