Fox, 1. Age (18+ Requirement):32 yrs 2. In-Game Nameoza 3. Current Class:Glad 4. Level:42 5. Do you have vent and a mic?:yes 6. Previous gaming experience:yes 7. Why did you choose XoO?:Seeking mature guild 8. Why do you think you'll be a good fit?:I'm a team player. I enjoy vent and play well with others 9. What will you contribute to the guild:I'm currently 399 weaponsmithing and working towards 499. I'm willing to share knowledge learned. 10. How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?:I enjoy helping other people and working as a team. I wear the guild logo like a uniform and will not tarnish it's integrity! 11. What guild were you previously in or are you currently a member of, and why do you wish to leave?Tutty Avenger 12. Do you have a referal?eathner/Alexandra 13. A little bit about yourself:Finished 4 years in the army, full time student, volunteer firefighter, enjoy outdoor sport and gaming! 14. Activity Level? (hrs/week):28+
ohnoes...another glad lol...well as one of the legions strongest glads i welcome you into the fold...