I hate the justice system, I really do. They always think that with the 'juvenile system' they can rehabilitate people like this... and that they did it because they are young. He was 12. I know I was told, and understood that killing was bad, back when I was 6 or so. This kid would've been in Jr. High... And a few other things... I dont understand how people can be such bad parents. I mean seriously, raising a kid to flip out and kill you over not wanting to do chores? And seriously, the boyfriend taught the kid to use a gun... and he's 12. Not like it would've made much difference other than knowing where the gun is. Law of averages, if you shoot 8 times at someone close range, you'd have to suck to miss with every single one.
good god. Makes me sad to be an American... Fucking retarded parents. Good ol spankings do wonders at an early age.. Telling a kid, NO! dont do that!! Go to your room... Fuck that.. Spank the shit out of the kid. Look how most of us from our generation turned out... Kids these days.. seriously...
Johnathon "Clean your room!" "NO" *stabs and licks knife* "Yeah, 9 long years of that crap." ....I'm sorry, that was in bad taste. But that's what this reminds me of.
im just glad the kid didnt blame video games who knows what would happen if that came up. but yea where did all the spankings go to? my mom and grandma used to go and get what they called "switches" its like a limb from a weeping willow tree and used to hit us where ever we didnt have clothing on with that (all but face of course) after 2 or 3 times of not doing what was asked you learned your lesson
Haha I remember getting my mom a 2inch twig, she proceeded to go out and get a 6 inch 2 inches wide switch, and tanned my hide... lol Never did that again.
At the end of the article it says the kid claims his mom hit him. I wonder if being hit means he was spanked....
my dad always spanked cause his had was as big as my entire bottom so it hurt....alot....the only time he ever hit me was when i took a whiffle ball bat to him to which he punched me in the chest lol
Looks like the kid took the rap for a murder, story of handing the gun off would be a good cover for having prints on the weapon, but I'm sure any good FS team would scope the ent/exit wound path to find the height/angle of the gun so it probably was the kid unless this was an initial report. Remember guys, guns don't kill people, bullets do. So raise the price of bullets already.
^^ Wow the most I ever did was get pissed off when i had to clean the kitchen once and ran away for a couple of ngihts. That is messed up!