Short version long story: There is a vulnerability: Apple has been sloooooow in releasing a fix...because they're Apple...and they suck. OS X 10.3 and lower don't update the fix automatically via software update. Yes, I'm running 10.3 at work. Yes, we are that cheap. So we're trying to figure out how to fix this shit. No we have no IT dudes to figure it out. Have I mentioned cheap? I'm tired of jumping through hoops going to various pages to try to find the damn patch. Anyone else located that mofo already and willing to link it? Thanks mucho.
Ahh good ol microsoft, they suck as much but they're on the ball when it comes to patching windows. You must do image editing or graphic design at work, its about all a mac is actually good for.
Not at all. I think the boss just thinks having an office full of crappy Macs makes him cooler somehow.
Oh. Well, look at it on the bright side then, the Mac just got one touch crappier (until they fix the DNS hack)