Diva - Chanter

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Diva, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. Diva

    1. Age: 25.

    2. (IGN): Diva.

    3. Class: Chanter.

    4. Level: 21.

    5. Do you have vent and a mic?: Yes, Both.

    6. Previous gaming experience: Lineage 2 (around 3 years), a little bit of WoW, Rose and Cabal.

    7. Why did you choose XoO / Why do you think you'll be a good fit:? Because is an adult guild and looks like a very coordinate and experience guild focus in be the best in this game and thats what im looking for.

    8. What will you contribute to the guild / How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?: i learn very quickly and i like to help my teammates + i have experience in pvps and i like them a lot and im pretty good farming and crafting things so i guess i can be useful for the guild.

    9. Do you have a referal?: No.

    10. A little bit about yourself: I work, go to college and some how i play 5+ hours daily :p, i like sports, i live in USA but im from Dominican Republic (in the Caribbean) i have a Son :p and i like to playyyyyy.

    11. Activity Level? 5+ hours daily.

    12. Apply to usergroup: Yes.
  2. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Indiana, U.S.