So.. I have the collectors edition pre ordered from game stop.. which gives the same stuff as the collectors from Atari.. both are 80 bucks.. However.... the Digital Deluxe which is only 60 looks like it has a better combo of pre order goodies.. So what to pick?
atari only appears to have the preorder for the deluxe and has probably one of the stronger bonuses... but there is talk about how well the defensive phaser will work. walmart's skill points are attractive too, and the deluxe edition is the only thing available right now. (normal edition is " Not Available at this time")
I have the Atari one pre-ordered. Though, if I had the money I would get the walmart one too, for the points. (still trying to figure out if I have the cash for that or not)
makes me wonder since trill's are supposed to be an option as unjoined... im guessing you can't play a klingon side unless it is joined given its a federation planet?
supposed the join trills are for both sides going back to the whole part that the klingons & fed were ona talking terms for a while. some of the Klingons could have gotten Trills during that time.
trills are a humanoid race from the tv show. to my knowledge, you wouldn't be able to actually have a joined symbiote in another species. of course odan appeared to have forehead ridges when later trill had human looking apperance minus spots running down their sides. perhaps it will be possible to have a joined klingon, but my guess it will be some trill that has a strong history with the empire and supports them over the federation.