So a new season of Diablo 3 will be upon us on August 5th. This season comes with some interesting updates. Most of them are nerfs to curb exploits in the game and to stop the current four man meta of three supports and one dps. The new season will also bring three new Torment levels up to XIII. The mechanics for the Key wardens will also be changed to to make guaranteed drops and an increase of getting two machines on higher difficulty. GRift keys will also be guaranteed drops on lower levels, Significant boost for solo players. Also rumor has it that a new pet will be released that will allow players to have a mini Diablo. Whether that is through season achievements or the Menagerie goblin only time can tell. Here some videos on the PTR patch(subject to change) Hit me up if you want to level togther at the begging of the season and if you want to group GRifts or normal rifts. Or if you just want someone to talk to while you go solo Bnet: gabrielthul#1790