With the release of D3 we have a lot of people playing around with that. Feel free to pick up a copy and have some fun. Visit the D3 forum to check out battle IDs and to post. http://www.xoohq.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?356-Diablo-3
Its fun, and definitely a high replay value to the game, as it was with Diablo 2. If you have a spare 60$ id pick it up.
got a little tab going on "Other Games" forum, around 20 people from the guild have submitted their BattleTag name and well just join a game of any guildy or invite them over to help out or just have fun.
hmm i dont see an "other games" must i apply for it or something? i just clicked on the "join a division > apply D3"
if u click on the "FORUM" page ull go to where u find EVERY forum XoO has; 1.) News and Announcements NEWS 2.) Recruitment Forums ETC. ETC. 3.) ETC. to the very end, the last one ull find Other Games Sub-Forums: Other Games Roleplay ,Aion(EU) ,Blade & Soul ,"Diablo 3" ,Firefall ,Minecraft ,RIFT ,Starcraft 2 ,The Secret World u click on DIABLO 3 and thats the one ure looking for. and here is the link just in case. http://www.xoohq.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?356-Diablo-3