Gentlemen, Got referred to XoO by The Communist to app. We play a good amount together online in a bunch of games (Demigod, L4D, TF2). Heres to the rundown 1. 19 years of age. 2. Tons of assorted games but the ones of note are 2 years of WoW (pre-BC), 400 hours of TF2, and a bunch of l4d and demigod with The Communist. 3. Of course, whats vent without a mic. 4. More than willing to use ventrilo, then my mic wouldn't get any use. 5. I am good friends with The Communist and have seen what he does. I would be excited to do some organized Demigod with other people as well. I am a friendly gamer but I do my best to win. I hope to bring that to some organized gaming as well. 6. I cook on weekends if anyone wants to come over and eat with Commie and I. Besides that I am very focused on what I do in games I play strive to become and encyclopedia of that game. I was the Mage team leader of my guild for our raiding period of you need anyone to help out at all. 7. I play Erebus a lot, going more of an assassin style with bite, bat swarm, mass charm, usually with mist for dodging those pesky DD spells. I use all of the summoned creeps to help me support and increase damage. I do not feel tied to that character though and am more than willing to pick up most demigods depending on the strat being used. If not Erebus, I am usually Queen, or Sedna, with the occasional TB. 8. U S of A 9. Currently on the westcoast (GMT -8) for the summer but when I head back to college I will be in central (GMT -6). I play all hours of the day and night and am available all days of the week. As long as we don't play before noon, I am good to go. Thank ya very much for your time and consideration. In game name is Jasamus as well.