aka, SOE stops kidding themselves. oh lets be honest, it was a buggy console port inferior to CO in pretty much every way. If you like the DC universe like me and think the title alone isn't worth $15 a month, then here: http://ps3.ign.com/articles/119/1195161p1.html
Was originally supposed to be FTP then some suit told them to go monthly. Would have kept more people around at least on the console side since most console gamers won't pay a monthly fee but will pay for DLC once in a while.
Game was fun, I could see myself playing it again. PvP had a lot of potential and there was tons of PvE content as well. Will definitely give it a try next month.
FTP starts Nov. 1st BTW they are limiting max money so much that your pretty much going to be forced to pay in something if you ever want to get none drop gear.