1. Age (18+ Requirement):It is the 6th anniversary of my 25th birthday, to the day! 2. In-Game Name: Darulian 3. Current Class:Assassin / Alchemist 4. Level (Suggested Req. of 45):48 / 399 5. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic?:TS3 + Mic 6. Previous gaming experience:Poker, Dominos, Chinese Checkers, Chess, Pitfall II, Dungeons and Dragons: Pools of Radiance, SimCity, Quake, Half-Life, Counterstrike, Asteroids, Super Mario Brothers 1-100000, Realms of Despair (MUD), FFXI (75 RDM), EQ2 (80 Wizard), Aion (48.8 Sin) 7. Why did you choose XoO?:To be honest, my wife chose XoO, and I looked over her shoulder and listened into bits of her conversations (jumping into TS during one group I joined), and liked what I heard/saw. 8. Why do you think you'll be a good fit?:Everyone I've met seems to be laid-back but active, cool and intelligent. I'd like to think I am those things too! 9. What will you contribute to the guild:Happy to help out with anything, low-level, high level, provide resources (my gimped Alchemy ability), and I have been known to be a "guild greeter" in the various MMO's I've played. 10. How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?:Hrm, would have helped if I had read all the questions before responding lol; See previous question 11. What guild were you previously in or are you currently a member of, and why do you wish to leave?Originally signed up with The Hammerfist Clan. HFC lost members due to inactivity, and its currently still there but with no leadership to add folks. Currently I am in Tutty Avengers. Tutty is a good guild, no animosity whatsoever. My wife joined XoO, and the folks here seem to match me better agewise and personalitywise. 12. Do you have a referal?: Does my wife count? (I know sometimes she thinks I don't count....3 comes before 2, right?) - Kitsuney (akane on the forums). You can probably ask Vald, Foxy, or Griir about my ability to aggro mobs in Theo Labs that we were supposed to sneak by. 13. A little bit about yourself:Married with one dog. Interests include skiing, technology, soccer, and gardening. Currently unemployed, but most recently was a high school Computer Science teacher. Before that an IT Project Manager/Business Analyst. 14. Activity Level? (hrs/week):Varies based upon what's going on, but typically I'm on daily during prime-time, and lately during the day too! 15. Apply to usergroup using the following steps: Click this link ---->User Group Application OR go to your User CP --> Networking --> Group Memberships... and join Aion NA Member.Done!