What is your name, age, and battle tag?: Richard, 27, Daemic#1634Tell us a bit about yourself.: I'm a well rounded character, insightful and kind. I have an extensive history with video games reaching as far back as my earliest memories. I've played World of Warcraft for many years, reaching as far back as Vanilla before AQ opened and dabbled in other MMORPGs over the years. I've run tabletop game campaigns in RL, creating stories, scenes and exciting adventures for other players for years. I am a Veteran and uphold integrity and discipline in all I do but without it compromising my friendliness (aka not a douche). I've spent long hours Progressing and enjoy the struggle of overcoming new content. I held the #1 Alliance Tankadin spot on Maiev in 2010 but then deployed overseas to Kuwait. I'm friendly, inventive, a leader and a follower and overall mellow guy.What is your character's name?: Kiisa / EevlynWhat class and specialization(s) are you applying as?: Kiisa - Restoration Druid Eevlyn - Protection PaladinHave you read what the expectations are for joining us?: YesLink your armory page.: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/emerald-dream/Kiisa/simpleDo you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?: YesCan you make raid nights on consistent and reliable basis?: YesCan your computer handle 20+ raid settings without any problems?: YesCan you explain how you get information about your class and theory crafting and / or list any tools or guides you use to optimize your character?: A great deal of it is a combination of Noxxic DPS charts, Icy Veins reference material, AskMrRobot BiS charts, and some critical thinking for talent choices based on mechanicsLink a recent log of a raid you participated in.: Trial of Valor Progression, unloggedProvide a link to a picture of your UI while in combat with a raid boss.: http://imgur.com/gallery/fgqSxohRecount your previous guilds that you were a core raider in (up to the last 3) and your reasons for leaving?: Dawn of the Horde - Emerald Dream (RPPVP guild, Dry RP with casual PVE content) Pheonix Rising - Kel'thuzad ( Conflict of interest with leadership, insulting subordinates, etc) How Many Licks - Maiev (Disbanding guild, Server Transfer to family realm)Summarize your raiding experience.: Pre AQ release Vanilla as a mage, BC as a Shadow Priest, WotLK as a Mage, Cata Protection Paladin, Mists Protection Paladin, WoD ripWhat are you looking for from XoO, and from a guild in general?: Looking to achieve new heights in PVE content with dedicated, like-minded individuals who strive for success and enjoy a challenge. Ofcourse to get new shiny gear to help slay bigger baddies. Comraderie and friendship.Do you know anyone in the guild that can vouch for you?: I'm willing to make someone a friend.Any final comments, thoughts, concerns, or bad puns?: I'm just a guy who's played this game for a long time and want to slay some badass monsters with a group of chill people who love looting epics and like having cool shoulders.
As an additional URL for my Paladin Eevlyn Forgive the formatting due to link posting restrictions us.battle.net/wow/en/character/emerald-dream/Eevlyn/simple
Kiisa, Its Bae! Thanks for throwing this up here, we should get back to you sometime today. If there is anyway you could post a log of you healing, that would help alot. Thanks!
Hey Bae, shouldnt be a problem although I havent been logging my encounters since I've joined this casual guild and built this pc. I am primarily locked out for the week but I can try and post up a Pug run of Cenarius or Xavius, it wont be a whole raid log but its something to visibly see. Hope this isnt an issue. Regards Kiisa
Additionally I realize the LFR posted is not a great overall example. It's a transition/move fight, so I've included a more reasonable Mythic run https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/6ZTDdq2knbG1H7xf/
At this rate, we can bring you in on a casual status till we get your gear up to par, and even then it'd be a rotational/backup slot unless you can prove your spot on the main team. We need extra healers for fights like Dragons/Odyn/etc., so having that extra cushion is crucial for alot of fights. The goal would be to get you in our heroic runs and mythic+ runs, and work on your gear the best we can, but it will also depend on your personal time spent doing it also. Basically, put the work in, and you'll see results. If this works for you please respond back to here and we will get you in the guild. Thanks for the interest and good talking to you! - Bae
Thank you Bae and to your leadership for putting in the time and consideration. I will accept your offer and work upward towards a reliable gearscore so I can run with the Main Group. I look forward to this opportunity and hope to have fun in the future.
At first I kept wondering why he was referring to you as Bae... must bring up some interesting ts convos @Kris lol
@Ironjaw I am Bae! The one and only. On a real note, I probably could use a wow sig or something to help specify xD Otherwise it just looks like people are hitting on me, which is totally cool too.
Yeah when i read back and saw "hey man its Bae" it made sense, I always think about doing a novel name but always ask myself "do I want to be called this for years?" hah now I just use Ironjaw for everything in XoO so i don't have to clarify who I am, regardless of if it makes sense in-game. I know I have some random character names in wow on different servers, after like 30 toons you just run out of ideas. Dondalinger, Stunzeed, among others (dont ask about my goldshire/silvermoon alts)