Hey everyone, The Diablo III site is available for preview finally. http://www.d3blog.net/ There are many pages not completed in the skill trees, so if you get a 404 Error it's okay. This website is semi-private still and I am hoping to get some troubleshooting reports regarding display errors before I take it live. I develop websites in Firefox, so I am expecting some issues with other browsers but nothing too major. The user system is integrated with the forums, we are still fine-tuning them however I recommend everyone to grab their usernames. Your username will carry through to all blog websites. If you already have an account on AionBlog.net, your information will be migrated over once the network goes live. Thanks, Kira
That's actually pretty impressive. Probably need more than that to attract attention with the plethora of Diablo 3 sites no doubt already out there, but I guess we'll see how it goes.
Marketing will make up for the lack of available content hehe. Many sections of the site still need some work too, so we will see.