Crysis 3

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Ryld Baenre, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Ryld Baenre
    Veteran FPS Member

    Nov 29, 2008
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    Ontario, Canada
    The short of it is I have really enjoyed the game and do not regret pre-ordering in the least. Go buy it if you enjoy the Crysis series.


    The campaign is a tad shorter than Crysis 2. Weighing in somewhere in between 6-10 hours depending on your play style and how quickly you want to run through the game. I've taken a mixed approach between stealth and head-on and I predict I will finish the game in around 8 hours. This is perfectly satisfactory as far as I am concerned since I enjoyed the story quite a bit and I do see myself playing through a couple more times on higher difficulties. I started my initial playthrough on normal and have had mixed feelings about it. Early on, for an experienced FPS player, it is somewhat on the easy side. However, once you get further into the game I can see veteran and the higher difficulties being pretty challenging. There are a few scenarios near the end that seem to have a disconnect between how hard they are compared to the rest of the game on that difficulty. It has never been so easy that the game was boring by any means.


    The guns in the game are great fun. They feel like they have weight behind them and they are well designed. One complaint I have heard voiced and understand is that people feel the bow can be overpowered. It one shot kills almost anything and favours stealth play throughout the game. It really comes down to how you choose to approach each situation. Needless to say I very much enjoyed using the bow and all the weapons look spectacular. One thing that was nice was getting your hands on ceph weapons. The are powerful and you can definitely feel it when you use them. There are a few isntances where you are supercharged and have almost limitless ammo for the rifle and it just feels godly for that short period of time. Do not fear, these instances do not take away at all from the game and actually serve to draw you deeper into the game.

    Level Design

    A mix of open world and linear gameplay was pleasant. Most of the situations give you an option between a head on approach and stealth gameplay. Using the visor to mark targets you can take a moment to plan out your attack based on the information given to you about the targets that are in front of you. I watched some videos on youtube from the single player campaign and saw quite a few situations where people took different routes than I and encountered different scenarios. Good for replayability if you decide to take a different playstyle/path the second or third time around.


    Eats my PC. I like to play games around 60+ fps and closer to 120 for multiplayer. 60+ is doable in single player if I drop the settings down but with everything maxed I am getting anywhere from 25-45 fps (usually around 30) depending on what is happening on screen. The game looks spectacular and it is for this reason alone I have played with everything on max for my first play through. The only other game I have seen that looks anywhere close to this good is The Witcher 2 with supersampling enabled. The textures are great, the water looks awesome, rain is phenomenal (water, I know), the environments are stunning. I very much enjoy the nature reclaimed version of NY they present you in game.

    I'm running my GPU @ stock (Core clock: 1150 MHz, Mem Clock: 6008 MHz) and my CPU @ 4.5 GHz. All displayed on a BenQ XL2420T. I am running the GPU at stock because the game really does not seem to like overclocks. What has been stable in PS2 and GW2 crashes under Crysis 2 and now Crysis 3. Although, my fps did not change a whole lot when I returned to stock clocks from the 1215 Mhz core clock and 6800 MHz mem clock.


    I have only played roughly a half hours worth as I want to get through SP first. I will say that graphics have been increased from beta. I could drop down to medium settings with low water, shadows, shading and I would sit close to 120 fps but now with everything on low I am getting around 80 fps.


    I don't really have any that come to mind that would severely influence someones decision to purchase this game. Even on low settings the game looks better than pretty much anything out there right now.

    Only look at this once you are done the game I guess? Not really a spoiler but may be, who knows.

    Just to clarify, Prophet is dead, yeah? and you have been transformed into prophet by the suit, right? I mean, we saw him shoot himself at the start of Crysis 2
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2013
  2. Noollab
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    Bah, I don't know whether or not to try this.
    I really liked Crysis, before it got all Alieny on my ass. It was interesting and fun blowing shit up in the jungle.
    Crysis 2 bored the crap out of me. It was the SAME ALIENS OVER AND OVER, and too much of the same from beginning till end.
    I can only go through so much CoD-type shooting before losing interest.

    It looks pretty though. :3
  3. Kazzier

    Aug 28, 2009
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    This was my thought too. Loved the whole jungle theme. Not so much the urban / alien crap.
  4. Ryld Baenre
    Veteran FPS Member

    Nov 29, 2008
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    Ontario, Canada
    Urban Jungle as a happy medium?


    Where the crosshair is there is a group of about 5 cell troopers/recon. About 5 seconds after this I tagged a guy with a thermite arrow and killed all of them :D Similar thing happened to me in MP. Some guy shot me with a thermite arrow. I thought it was a grenade so I ran in the opposite direction of the indicator straight into a couple team mates. All 3 of us were killed :/ I felt a little bad about the whole thing.

    **poo poo on photobucket for resizing my png :/ bastards**
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2013
  5. Noollab
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    I've been fooling around a little in Crysis 3 these past few days, and I have to admit, sneaking about with a bow is great fun. But then again, it's fairly "standard" gameplay, that you can do in a lot of games. I always do it in the Elder Scrolls games, for example.
    But in either case, it's not too boring yet, and the few alien things I've encountered so far have been scarce, and the encounters themselves pretty exciting (running around in high grass, screaming like a little girl each time one jumped me! :p ).

    The visuals, though. That's where the game shines. I play this on a high end PC, and it is absolutely STUNNING. Crytek does it again. I am SO stoked to see what other games the CryEngine 3 will bring us in the future.

    There is just one thing I do not get at all: Why the HELL does it give me 120 max fps with vert-sync on a 60hz monitor, and why do I feel FPS lag when it gets down into the 90s and even worse at 60?
    I have a feeling the CryEngine 3 somehow reports double framerate even though it doesn't actually display it, but it doesn't make sense.
    (Numbers were taking with dxtory)
    Anybody else have this strangeness happen?
  6. Ryld Baenre
    Veteran FPS Member

    Nov 29, 2008
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    Ontario, Canada
    I hated that part :( I don't like not knowing what is going to happen until it is right in your face trying to rip it off :( It was fun though. The game does indeed look stunning and if you browse around the internet you will find that is what people think is the one redeeming feature of this game. I also find it humorous when people get bent out of shape and complain they can't play it because their hardware can't handle it. I mean, that's what everyone wanted with crysis 3 >.<

    I don't know the answer to your question though. I haven't had any problems with framerate whatsoever. I use precision-x + HWiNFO as my OSD to monitor all that stuff in game. I also have a 120 Hz monitor so don't use Vsync. If I am in SP I max it all and play at the ~25-45 FPS because it looks great. Vsync won't help there. If I am in MP I drop everything to low so I can get 120+ FPS and defile the opposing team and in that case I just limit my GPU to rendering 120 fps in precision-x.
  7. Gauron
    Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    I liked the Sing player, it was good fun with the odd side mission to do here and there. Nice storyline and interesting character.

    The bow was nice but a bit OP in my opinion. It one shot virtually everything and with the ability to retrieve the arrows from the corpses meant I spent most of my time trying to get them back. Personally the upgrade system for your suite seemed a bit lacking as I used the same layout the whole of the game.
    Have to say the vehicles and the hacking system made this really fun for me. Loved stealthing and hacking a turret and watching it mow down all the guys around it or hacking a mined field and watching people get blown up.

    The multiplayer’s good fun but in need of some serious weapon damage balancing, but that’s nothing new for a new release. Just heads up if you see someone with a gun that shoots little light balls at you, you are as good as dead. The stealth mechanics a lot better with the slower you move the less energy you use so the longer you can stay in stealth.

    Still feel that they’ve been held back by the constrains of the consoles as the single player could have had more side missions and more epic fights. They have put a lot of time into the in game vids which was nice but it felt like they spent a bit to much time on some bits. I did notice that there always seemed to be a limit to the number of NPCs they could have in an area. Multiplayer maps could have been bigger and held more people with more terrain destruction options.

    Over all the games great fun and I’m sure people will get a good few months out of it before moving on.

  8. Ryld Baenre
    Veteran FPS Member

    Nov 29, 2008
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    Ontario, Canada
    I think I'm up to about 9 hours and rank 34 if I remember correctly in MP. I don't think the balance is too bad as it is now. I just fucking hate getting shot with the god damn bow/gauss rifle because there isn't anything I can do about it. I then get the bright idea to give it a go and getting raped :/ Shotguns can be annoying but it's just something you need to learn to deal with. One thing that would be great is if the kill cams were more accurate. Half the time it looks like the person isn't even shooting at you whe nthey kill you.


    Anyone that gets this and wants to play MP send me a request. Don't forget to put your XoO tag on :p
  9. mwhays

    Nov 19, 2011
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    Stock Broker / Financial Planner / Registered Inve
    so i must suck at games. I played the whole goddamn game on top high difficulty, then I cant beat the alpha ceph. The fucker just wont die. I get the first damage on him, and he just just packs my shit in with some massive explosion. Its like I never had a chance. Am I missing something? I refuse to lower the difficulty. I spent that much effort beating the fucker, im gonna beat it all the way. So... tips?
  10. Rumor
    Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    Head Swim Instructor/Aquatic Director
    Brooklyn, NY
    Yeah, I agree with you. I play all games no matter what on highest possible difficulty. GL with the headpounding! You WILL feel victorious!
  11. mwhays

    Nov 19, 2011
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    Stock Broker / Financial Planner / Registered Inve
    thanks lol