It's real. You can find it yourself. PR stunt or actual faux pas?
A developer would never intentially leak their next major title like this, cant be a PR stunt. Good find though, and as I always say: If you do pirate the game to try it out and you enjoy playing it, then buy the game because they deserve your money for making it.
PR stunt for sure. The funny part is it contains folders and file for 4 separate DLC... pisses me off when they actually make the DLC before the game comes out, just figure they can milk more cash out of us. Then they wonder why we pirate their stuff.
DLC the past few years has gotten out of hand. Its more of an excuse to not finishing the "full product" on time and another reason to make cash. Rarely is DLC actually worth purchasing and adding to a game.
You do know the demo wouldnt stop this right? Also half the ppl on there are kinda morons, they QQ about crytek and EA calling them thief's other QQ saying they better watch out saying ppl are thiefs or there be a lawsuit. God morons are morons, if YOU downloaded a pirated game, movie, program your a thief no matter how you try to justify it. Most those ppl are the ones that downloaded it and getting all butt hurt over something so stupid.
Pirating is pirating, not stealing... if i steal your car, i now have it and you don't. While it does take away sales, its NOT stealing, it is PIRACY....
I think the best DLC I have seen was for Borderlands. I miss the old days where a FPS would release 5 new maps and never even dare mention a price tag. I would not mind paying if the DLCs were worth it. Give me 10 hours of fun in Dragon Age, and I will pay 10$. But don't give me less than 2 hours for 15$, that's just wrong.
its still consider theft frm what I know. Even tho your not taking it and placing it on there yourself your still supporting it by downloading it. So there really no sugar coating it. Stealing doesnt mean you take it away from someone and they dont have it anymore. Like stealing a password or information, the person/company still has it but now its released out in the open. So supporting Pirating and making a demand for it means your supporting thief of company information that wasnt ment to be released
I don't download dodgy games, but lollerskates. Is it illegal? Yes. Does anyone give a fuck? Barely. If you want to play Crysis 2 after release, you'll buy the full version - that's if you weren't just going to pirate the release version anyway, but considering the draconian mix of EA and Crytek they'll have so much spyware/"copy protection" in there it'll be a mission to even use it legally. That aside, this is an unintentional demo that I fully expect will not be compatible with the release version. They won't actually be losing sales until people start pirating the final release, unless the 'demo' is bad enough it turns people off. And to be honest, if they were hoping to sucker people in before word got around that it was a bad game, they deserved this. From what I've seen, it'll be just like Crysis in that it's a modder's game once you're past the eye candy. Very nice graphics, standard FPS gameplay with some powersuit heroics thrown in, not my cup of tea but should I develop a sudden interest in working with game engines again, CryEngine 3 (I think it's 3 in this one) would be a good choice regardless of the gameplay and well worth the $50. I'm assuming it's $50. Well, it will be by the time I'd consider grabbing it because I'm allergic to ripoffs.
i still would have loved a multiplayer beta.....just some form of testing the game before i buy the damn thing.....and i don't mean testing it on the console lol.
I've been playing the game story mode and I've gotta's not as good as I had hoped it would be. Some polish will do it good, but I fear the storyline has been copied far too closely from Prototype. Also, I've only met Prophet from Crysis 1 so far, with no sign of Nomad or Psycho. Spoiler Prophet gives you his suit, then kills himself. NO FUCKING EXPLANATION FOR WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN CRYSIS 1 AND 2 WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY?!?!
I couldn't have said it better myself. LOL. They're assholes. Anyway, I guess I should pick this up for Xbox 360 because the community for PC is angry huh?
Game companies seem to have forgotten that DLC was supposed to be extra material... not material that belongs with the original game
Can you blame them? I don't. I blame Xbox morons and all those idiots who said DLC would never be an issue. And both parties with their it's only 5 bucks bullshit argument. It's got nothing to do with not being able to give $40-$60 a year to MS. But why should I have to give them anything at all. That's the stupidest argument I'll hear from defenders of the annual fee or DLC. Why not kick up some money for breathing, fuck it, $5 a year.
DLC has totally ruined Bioware games for me. I loved Dragon Age but I will be damned if I pay for DLC. Its like a game company having their expansion ready to go when the game originally releases... its a slap to the face. If you feel your game is good and deserves to be more expensive then just include it all and people will pay for it if they agree. I may skip DA2 now just because of the dlc bs
So, don't buy DLC, and if the game sucks without it, don't buy the game until they release an "anniversary edition" or something like that including everything it should have shipped with. And don't pay any more than the original shipped for.
Anyone playing the multiplayer demo? DAMN this game is good. I wasn't a fan of the first Crysis but am really impressed by the gameplay and visuals of the second. It has a very polished menu too, something Dice could learn from. The multiplayer features killstreaks like CoD, and the game totally blows CoD outta the water.
I don't mind DLC, I just wish the quality was on par with the original game. Most of the time they are useless side stories, that doesn't relate well to the main story. They are also very short, for example most Dragon Age DLCs are 2-3 hours for 5-10$. I paid 50$ for over 70 hours of gameplay with the original game, why would I pay 10$ for 3 hours? Now an example of good DLC, take a look at Borderland. Tons of fun per DLC and lots of hours of gameplay. Like 10$ for 10 hours, that's more like it.