TERA Online ApplicationHow old are you? 24 In-Game Name? Conris Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? Berserker Why did you choose XoO: I was a core in a legion called Condemned in Aion. During the pre-launch week, officers in respective legions were planning servers and such, though we ended up on different servers, we often checked each other progress via official website, and XoO did exceptionally well in Aion. Previous Gaming Experience: I started gaming at a very young age, I believe the first game I played was Stoneage, don't think the game made it too big or at all outside of Asia. Lineage 1 (4 years total) - Created a pledge(guild) which eventually branched into 5 independent alliances that controlled all 4 castles on the server. Had 1 of 3 +11 weapons of the server, most of the gear on the char was also one of few or only on the server. Quit, then started again and was the posterchild for our alliance and also had same authority as the prince(creator of guild) for entire alliance (roughly 250 people), 2nd highest level on server. Wasn't able to be too successful in castle possession due to the fact that the server was divided into 3 oppositions (1. Us the alliance 2. Professional players/farmers 3. Casual gamers), it wasn't possible to rival the farmers due to the nature of Lineage 1 having an unachievable level cap and unbelievable heavy reliance on equipment. Lineage 2 - (2 years total) - Assumed the role of Mercenary(class) leader in defending the main gate of Aden castle. Led many grindfest parties. Ragnarok - 3 level cap characters, have 2 epic items that can only be assembled through non transferable materials from bases(castles) that come very...very slow. Leader of a branch guild of our Alliance. Diablo 2 - Played very very long ago, before the major changes such as the synergy systems and the changes to ban rushing. Suited and booted Sorc x 2, Barb x3, Palx1, Amazonx2. Visited Mephisto too many times. Starcraft - Played competitively, entered tournaments though never won any but always entered semi finals. Starcraft 2 - Played in Beta, hit 1800~ rating, got wiped, hit 1600~ again, and now in Diamond but never bothered to climb the ladder. CounterStrike - Played competitively, was on the brink of sponsorship by local internet cafe and electronic shack, 3 hours of scrim practice a day, memorized 30page playbook. World of Warcraft - (4 years) - Started at vanilla WoW, grinded to GrandMarshal rank on the Warrior, participated in guild raids and is #1 DPS, helped clear through most of BWL and quit because of movement to a different country. Started again with a Rogue on US Wow with Akildah (a friend that's also applying for XoO Tera), piggybacked by Akildah to a certain extent in the PVP content, hit 2000 rating in 3v3 arena with him and another friend of ours, then strayed off into 2v2s and hit 2000 rating again with mostly arena entry level gear(S1), with a full S1 Druid. Quit again, and started again due to the WoTLK release and played a DeathKnight. Participated in 10 and 25man raids immediately after hitting level cap. Became OffTank once gear was viable, 3 weeks into raiding became Co-Raid Leader, soon after became Main Tank and Raid Leader status. Wasn't able to find a satisfactory arena partner, and on top of that the class imbalance period of WoTLK, was stuck at 1800 rating for 2s. Aion - In the Condemned Legion, Gladiator Class Leader, first gladiator (well, technically second, but the first 50 gladiator on opposing faction was fed gear by legion) to 50, nearly full Miragent set if not failing Heart craft twice. Solid 5 man group, cleared all content except for Dark Poeta S and A rank, we actually had to sit and wait because our gear couldn't handle A rank boss, but we cleared it so fast that we would need to wait for B ranked (this is pre-all-DP-nerf, and about a month after Aion launch). And then there's the...consoles...but that's a very long story. Why do you think you'll be a good fit? First, I play quite a bit, so on a progression basis, I will be able to contribute. XoO seems like a competitive PvP guild, and that's what I focus on in most of my online gaming experiences, the PvP side of it, however PvE is also very important. I enjoy gaming with players who are just as focused if not more focused than I am. What will you contribute to the guild? In my gaming experiences I've always either been an Alliance leader, guild leader, or class leader. I don't believe in total obedience in gaming, as people are here to have fun, however, I would not hesitate to scold someone if their stupidity is ruining other people's gaming experience. I would not say that I can contribute more experience in gaming to the guild over anyone else, but with my experiences in gaming, I will be able to contribute ideas or help formulate strategies quite effectively. Localization: NA Do you have a referral? - A little bit about yourself? I am currently in college, took a year and half off to work. May or may not have gf aggro sometimes. I sometimes take games a bit too serious, I do expect the people I play with to be atleast average if not above average level players. Not exactly shy on the mic, I like to chat while grinding, about either nothing at all, or theory crafting and such. Otherwise I'm pretty laidback. Activity level? It should be around if not more than 50 hours a week Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes Have you applied to the TERA usergroup? Yes
Thanks. Can you break down your activity level, like how many hours on a week day versus on the weekend?
I'm usually on around 6 to 8 hours a day on weekdays, starting the afternoon till late night/morning. On the weekend I'm either on all day(most of the time) or not at all due to travels(sometimes).
Cool. I'll be sending you a private message via the forums with our TeamSpeak server information. The interview will probably be short unless you have questions for your interviewer.
ACCEPTED. Probation ends after 30 days. Post around and get to know everyone. Make sure you check out the New Recruits Guide for TERA and do what it says. The game will be a while till release so stay active on the forums.