League of Legends Community Clash ~ Matherson vs Waterson

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Kyoji, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. Kyoji
    Veteran Staff Member Admin

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Indiana, U.S.
    Last Saturday the XoO PS2 division participated in the Community Clash event between Waterson and Matherson servers. While originally decided to be a Waterson victory it was later overturned due to Matherson running galaxies into the Waterson server disrupting the supposed sudden death match. Everyone had a great time and we look forward to engaging in more fun battles along the road. All we can say is that the XoO group in the event did stunningly well to the effect that we captured our objectives then proceeded to push and help the rest of our participants push the Matherson crew from the objectives. It was a close match and ultimately a draw with the final decision, but we look to set the record straight with another match if given the opportunity.

    Here is a blurb describing the event:

    "On Saturday, March 22nd, 2014, there was an explosive war between two rival servers. It was quite literally a nail biter that had many of the steamers screaming into the Twitch chat when the final capture timer and the expiring game clock were neck and neck at 15 seconds. This time, the server scrimmage was Waterson (USE) and Mattherson (USE). It was hosted on the Planetside 2′s Test Server (PTS), on Amerish. Waterson played TR and Mattherson played VS. Both sides brought 2 platoons (96 players) to the fight...This was one of the most intense ServerSmash’s held so far, the teams seem nearly equal while they fought a constant game of tug of war…First and foremost, I want to admit that I made a mistake in my initial declaring of Waterson’s victory. As soon as I said it, I knew it was a mistake. The sudden death mode was disorganized and some players from both sides disregarded the rules and tried to smear the participants with their galaxies. That being said, the sudden death mode was pretty much worthless. The original draw still stands since neither side completed the win condition, even though Waterson was really close."

    Participating Outfits

    [HSTL] Hostile Paradigm
    [TIW] The Iron Wolves
    [PREY] WTFux
    [EZC] EZ Company
    [TRAF] TR Assault Force
    [VREV] Vanu Revolution
    [0PTR] Sunshine Delivery Service
    [0AK] Redguard
    [XOO] Xen of Onslaught

    [TENC] Templars of the NC
    [SV0] Subversive Oppression
    [UxB] United by Brotherhood
    [NNG] NoNonsenseGamers
    [DA] DasAnfall
    [QRY] Cry Me a Reaver
    [903] 903rd Marauders
    [GOTR] Ghosts of the Revolution
    [CML] Clan Magnus Legion

    "This ServerSmash featured another modified version of Allegiance mode. The match started off with another sizable air battle over Mekala Auxiliary Compound. It was unclear for a while who had the upper hand. At one point, the VS looked as though it gained the upper hand by destroying a lot of the TR mosquitos, but there was still a heavy TR galaxy presence with a smaller mosquito wing hovering over Xelas West Air Docks. Their mission seemed to be to provide close air support for their advancing ground forces. This game had a notable galaxy presence. Both servers leveraged the “battle galaxy” concept, where galaxy were retro-fitted with offensive and defensive turret that made it a formidable gunship. These galaxies seemed to want to stay with their advancing ground forces, with the occasion TR battle gal doing attack runs on enemy VS scythes. Meanwhile, the ground forces from both servers were capping through each lane at roughly the same time. They advanced through the lattice line, VS taking Eastshore Training Camp and East Hills Checkpoint, while the TR was capping Subterranean Nanite Analysis and Splitpeak Pass. The stage was set for the two forces to meet over Silver Valley Arsenal and somewhere in between East Hills and Splitpeak. Splitpeak was a four point cap, which meant it took 60 seconds longer to flip than East Hills. Because of this, there was an opportunity to interfere with the Splitpeak if the VS moved quickly enough and timed their assault right. The TR seemed to sense this vulnerability, so they garrisoned a defense force in the less defensible points while positioning anti-air (AA) maxes on the mountaintops, to deter any approaching VS galaxies.

    However, instead of sending in their ground forces first to interfere with Splitpeak, the VS begun their assault with their large air wing, only moving their sunderers up after the air wing engaged the defense force at Splitpeak. The TR immediately saw the sunderer, and their mountain-top force engaged the spawning ground forces while simultaneously tried to shoot down the VS air. The VS ground force was able to secure on of the three points, but it didn’t do much to stop the TR from capping Splitpeak. Over at Silver Valley, the TR pulled back an advance armor force waiting for the cap of Subterranean to be secured. This gave the VS a chance to spring forth and take [A] point as soon as they flipped Eastshore. Both servers took their adjacent hex to Silver Valley at the same time, but the TR held at Subterranean, refusing to immediately advance. The VS hastily set up infantry at the hills looking straight into Subterranean, in order to guard against any TR push into Silver Valley.

    Back at Splitpeak, a heavy VS assault was underway. Everything was being fought over. At some point, the TR sent shock troops to East Hills to give some relief to the Splitpeak defenders. Their objective was to start the cap on East Hills so that the offensive on Splitpeak had to stop. It was a gamble, because the VS was expending a considerable amount of resources to the taking of this base, and they were winning. The VS had successfully cornered the TR defenders in their spawn building and had all but one cap point secured. The force stationed at Subterranean decided to push to Silver Valley, but as they did the VS dropped a small force on Subterranean, catching the TR in a awkward position. Most of them had left Subterranean and were up against the hills next to Silver Valley that the VS had tried to fortify earlier. Only a tiny TR group was left, with some skyguards, who had to then focus on the uninvited guests. Realizing the precarious position the TR sunderer was in, VS air started bombarding the position. With the forward TR force being attacked from all sides, it went down, and the TR had to retreat back to Subterranean. Using this momentum, the VS leveraged their liberators to destroy what they could at Subterranean while the VS ground forces pushed forward. While the battle progressed, there were some pretty impressive air clashes, as each server kept reappearing with their air fleets and initiating random skirmishes.

    The defense of Splitpeak still raged, each server had two points to their name. Eventually, the VS was able to get a hold of all four points, and after a game of musical chairs with the points, were able to capture Splitpeak. The VS push into Subterranean was bypassed as a TR force leaped into Silver Valley, but the TR were repelled. That being said, VS was poised to push into the outer region of Xelas Bio Lab, which enabled them to attack their win condition, while the TR had a few regions left to capture before attacking their win condition, Onatha Bio Lab. After the VS captured Splitpeak, that’s when the TR pulled a massive air wing and asserted their dominance in the sky, while simultaneously launching a blitzkrieg on both Splitpeak and Silver Valley. The blitzkrieg successfully captured Silver Valley and delayed the VS advance into Xelas West.

    From that point, the TR used that momentum to carry them forward down the eastern lane into Eastshore, and finally East Onatha. Meanwhile, the VS was able to initiate the cap on Xelas West, but valiantly lost the point to TR defenders. With East Onatha captured, the TR assaulted Onatha Bio, their win condition. The TR executed a beautiful textbook taking of the Bio Lab, capturing most of the points right away as they initiated the destruction timer of the generator. However, VS were quick to respond, and so began the defense of Onatha. The VS pushed the TR out to the outer region of Onatha while they successfully captured the outer region of Xelas. When the VS pushed into Xelas, they found that the TR had already rushed Onatha again and too all three points. The VS were faced with a decision, either commit to a 6 minute Xelas cap, or commit to Onatha, which was a little over 60 seconds to being captured by the TR. They chose to defend Onatha and repel the TR. The TR then redeployed back to Xelas to repel the VS. This back and forth between the Bio Lab and outer regions went on until the 4 minute mark. Having lost Xelas West to the TR, the VS chose to commit to defending Onatha, while the TR committed to taking it.

    At 60 seconds until the scrimmage clock expired, the TR had 40 seconds until they captured Onatha Bio Lab while the SCU had 26 seconds until it was destroyed. At 30 seconds till match end, the VS resecured the SCU at 1 second while taking back one of the points, throwing the timer to 54 seconds. However, the TR contested the one point the VS still held, reducing the timer to 17 seconds, but were a few seconds short of the match timer. The stream chat was erupting with people shouting their support for their server. The match time expired as the TR and the VS kept throwing the timer all over the place as each contested and took different points. Because the win condition rested solely on actually taking the server’s Bio Lab, the game was a draw.

    But because of how close the game was, the game went into Sudden Death mode, featuring a large knife fight between the servers in a open field. That did not go as planned, and both teams had players who blatantly disregarded the rules by using liberator daltons and scraping their galaxies across the ground, killing the players. As a result, the Sudden Death was invalidated, and the draw was upheld. Overall, this ServerSmash was the closest one so far. The Waterson and Mattherson outfits represented their servers well, fighting tooth and nail till the last second. It was a glorious match."


    ~ Original Article
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014