I want my fucking FIOS. This is the bay area for crying out loud ...
For instance, I'm thinking of switching from my current plan (unlimited transfers) to a plan that gives me 15GB a month because I can work with 15GB easily enough, and my current plan is only 256Kbit/s. Then again, NZ plans will either cut your speed or charge you per GB for any extra transfers. Comcast on the other hand doesn't seem capable of doing that, so they just cut you off. Also: Looks like they can't even figure out how to pipe the data from their bandwidth monitor to their own website. Or they just want to cut people off early, and say that their bandwidth monitoring software is faulty when they complain.
It's not the 250gb the problem, it's the fact that they're too retarded to provide any tools to help users monitor their current usage. And they said "Comcast notes that the median usage for most residential customers falls somewhere between 2GB and 3GB". That is such bullshit.
Actually, I find that figure to be believable when I look at people like my grandparents who only use the internet for email and software updates.
For the price you pay for it, caps are pretty lame. But who really would use up 250GB up and down combined.
Its not the cap that's the problem its this Its grounds for lawsuits if they continue to charge you for the service that's suspended. They'll either change this to suspended for the rest of the "Month" or abandon it as a lawsuit over it would crush them. Not to mention that those who got suspended would switch providers and never look back.
Exactly, I don't see how losing customers because they went over their limit helps them at all.... I can see being cut off for the remainder of the month until their monthly limit is reset. I know if they said I was cut off for a year i'd be instantly cutting off my service and switching to another provider. Although I do download a lot and probably don't even go over 100 gigs a month.
I doubt they will make you pay while suspended, lol. 250gb is a shit ton of bandwidth. On a good month I can hit 100-150gb, but that was before my own isp capped me at 60gb. 3gb a month isn't unreasonable for certain users. Not everyone whores all there media from the internet =p.
I don't think the number for the cap is what is enraging, but the consequences if you happen to exceed it after their warning call. However, like stated before... if they called and said "you're out of internet for a year". My next phone call would be to another provider, regardless of their caps.
Wonder how much I use. I don't download a ton of movies but I'm typically running 3 machines and three-boxing, hehe.