Well recently ive been having trouble with CoD4. In the past ive been running at the default cap of 91 FPS. It was always steady there. Recently it has been dropping. Now I seem to remain around 70 FPS and it even dips into the 30s and stays there for a time. The whole FPS is unstable and jumps wildly which makes it harder to play. I have no idea why it has changed and keeps decreasing. Ive reformatted my Hard drive but that seems to have only made it worse. Im running an 8800GTX. So it should rock this game. Any ideas?
Clean your drivers then reinstall them. You should also be able to cap your fps at something like 60 so it doesn't jump so much.
Ive been digging around about this. In my opinion its a driver issue that happened with the new patch, since thats when it started. Ive seen several people post that checking off the dual graphics card option helps even though your just running one. Im going to test this theory in a while and see if frame rate increases are witnessed. ill post some results.
yeah do /com_maxfps 150 in the console, and that should boost your max frames to 150. It is set at 85 for default. This way, if you do hit up over 120 fps and you do get a drop, it won't be as bad as dropping from 85 to 30 for example.
If you're fps drops to 30, it wouldn't matter what max cap you have. 135 to 30 would actually be a lot more noticeable. Just because you raise your cap doesn't mean your lower fps will follow along.
well what I meant, was, if he drops from 85 to 30, you can see a huge change, but if he drops fro say 120 to 100 he won't notice it as much.
But he will still be dropping down to 30 until he figures out the problem and if he goes straight down to 30 from the max the lower the max the less you can notice