SQ42 - Teaser Video. Actors include: Gary Oldman, Mark Hamill, Mark Stong, Gillian Andersen (to name a few) Demo of the start of SQ42 (alpha) - Idris looks awesome. Filming of SQ42 - Behind the scenes Demo of the start of SQ42 (alpha) - Idris looks awesome. Demo of Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 Star Map https://robertsspaceindustries.com/starmap Military Ship sale and one new ship (Aegis Sabre - Star Fighter) https://robertsspaceindustries.com/.../14998-The-Aegis-Sabre-And-Military-Ship-Sale Ship upgrade feature is live. You can now CCU any ship. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/ship-upgrades
If anyone purchased a ship that is included in the new Military Sale but only has 6 month insurance, you can sell it for credit and get the same ship but with 3 years insurance. I just exchanged a Gladiator.